Hotel Lexton Kagoshima

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4-20 Yamanokuchi-cho Kagoshima 892-0844


Удобства в номере и обслуживание гостей

  • Доступ к Интернет


  • Кейтеринг на месте
  • Ресторан на территории

Номера для гостей

Общее количество номеров для гостей173
Номер на одного (1 кровать)113
На двоих (2 кровати)59


Hotel Lexton Kagoshima is perfectly located for both business and leisure guests to Kagoshima. This hotel is the center of Kagoshima city in Japan. This hotel has got a number of restaurants where you can eat local food of Kagoshima reasonably. The Hotel provides you many kinds of facilities to spend comfortable moments. The hotel has got around 173 rooms that are ideal for guests and Visitors. It also provides the room which is non-smoking for people who doesn’t like smell of tobacco. The facilities and amenities include TV, Satellite TV, pay-for-view channels, Telephone, Tea server, Refrigerator, Hair dryer, a trouser press (rental), bathroom, Face soap, Body soap, rinse in shampoo, toothbrush/toothpaste, Shave, towels, Yukata robes.


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