Legal Sea Foods - Cambridge - Kendall Square
О ресторане
- Морепродукты
Понедельник - Четверг
11:00am-10:00pmПятница - Суббота
- Площади (на улице)
- Помещения (полузакрытые)
- Помещения (приватные)
Расстояние от аэропорта
4.8 милей от места проведения
- Бесплатная парковка
- Платная парковка
Помещение для встречи Legal Sea Foods - Cambridge - Kendall Square
Дополнительная информация
The Kendall Square has lately introduced a more convenient way to enjoy Legal Sea Foods meals in your home or office. Avoid waiting in line or holding on the phone. Just complete the Take Out/Fax In Form and we will get your order ready for either quick delivery or pickup! Easy street side metered spaces make short-term parking a snap, or use the adjacent garage if you plan a longer visit with us. And select from Legal's delicious and popular pre-set menus, or customize your own with the guidance of Kendall's culinary staff and Event Coordinator. Our charming patio is often the perfect place to sip cocktails before transitioning inside for a great sit-down dinner.