Cvent Supplier Network

Smoky Mountain Meetings

201 S. Washington Street, 37804
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Come for the meeting. Stay for the mountains.

We know how stressful it can be to select your next meeting or conference venue. Pressure to make everyone happy, outdo your last event and walk away looking like a rock star meeting planner is enough to test even veteran planner. We're the anti-thesis of Vegas and the opposite of harried, over populated cities that offer the same old, same old. We're Blount County. Nestled at the foot of the Great Smoky Mountains within a day's drive of 60% of the US population and an airport with feet of our main conference space. Why not plan your next event in a place where fresh air, blue skies and nature feed the soul? Your guest will leave relaxed and renewed and your meeting will go down in history.

Detalhes do local

Centro de convenções20 000 pé quadrado
Quartos em 1 hotel150
Locais de eventos especiais26
Tarifa média do quarto$89
Taxa de ocupação-
Custo diário de alimentação$52
Taxa de imposto9.25%
Tipo de localCVB
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Distance from McGhee Tyson Airport airport 1 mi


Atrações locais

Mountain Challenge
Mountain Challenge
Atividades recreativas
5 mi
The Mountain Challenge program takes participates outdoors. Area mountains, lakes, rivers and woods provide the setting. The seasons, each one distinct in its own right, provides the agenda. The agenda might include rock climbing or canoeing on one of the beautiful mountain lakes or climbing the Alpine Tower. Whatever the situation, the Mountain Challenge program is a chance to face challenges head on, to struggle through some difficult and unfamiliar tasks, and to experience the trill of achievement. The Mountain Challenge programs is an opportunity to explore yourself as you explore the outdoors.
Crawford House
713 Howee Ave
Maryville, TN, US 37801
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Tuckaleechee Caverns
Tuckaleechee Caverns
Atividades recreativas
21 mi
The Greatest Site UNDER the Smokies! The caverns have been carved over tens of thousands of years in one of the earth's oldest mountain chains. Estimated to be between 20 and 30 million years old, the Caverns are rich in history and lore. Plunging 200 feet from an upper room, water strikes Elephant Rock, a dripstone formation. This is a must see.
825 Cavern Road
Townsend, TN, US 37882
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Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson
Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson
Vida noturna
6 mi
You don't have to own a Harley-Davidson to enjoy Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson. They are a destination to excite everyone. Start with an enormous 7-day-a-week full-service dealership, stocked with the latest models, gears, parts and motorclothes. Throw in The Shed Smokehouse & Jukejoint, and indoor/outdoor music and event venue hosting world-class artists backed by a garage-bar & grill complete with indoor/outdoor seating, fireplace and fire pits, big screen TVs and BBQ smoked on premises. Take all that and drop on eight acres at the perfect stop/start point in the middle of the best riding on the planet. Now you're getting the picture.
1820 Lamar Alexander Parkway
Maryville, TN, US 37801
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Great Smoky Mountains  National Park
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Atividades recreativas
18 mi
Blount County is a gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. With over 900 miles of trails and 150 hiking trails... this is your opportunity to take in the most beautiful sites every seen. Be sure to check out Cades Cove. The most visited attraction within the national park... Cades Cove is 2500 acres of open space. It is a beautiful, sheltered valley with a mixture of forests, meadows and an outdoor museum of pioneer life in the 1800's. Even in today in our "advanced" society you still find remnants of a more primitive way of life in Cades Cove. You can explore Cades Cove by car, bike or tours.
Historic Downtown Maryville
Historic Downtown Maryville
4 mi
Historical Downtown Maryville is the hub of local shopping, dining and entertainment. Only a short 4-miles from the McGhee Tyson Airport, it is easy to hop on the greenway trails for a run and drop by a local brewery for a beer to end the evening.
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Informações adicionais

Additional details

Getting to Blount County is incredibly easy and affordable. McGhee Tyson Airport offers 25+ non-stop flights throughout the United States via major airlines like Allegiant Air, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Frontier Airlines and United Airlines. The airport serves 6,500+ passengers per day, more than 100 daily flights, and only 150 feet from the conference center. Blount County is also easily accessible by vehicle by major highways like I-40 and I-75. In fact, Blount County is less than a 4-hour drive from major cities including Atlanta, Charlotte, Birmingham, Nashville, Greenville, Lexington and Louisville.

Perguntas frequentes sobre Smoky Mountain Meetings

Explore as perguntas frequentes sobre Smoky Mountain Meetings em relação à Saúde e Segurança, Sustentabilidade, Diversidade e Inclusão

Práticas sustentáveis

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Diversidade e Inclusão

Apenas para os hotéis dos EUA, o Smoky Mountain Meetings e/ou a sua matriz está credenciada como um empreendimento comercial (BE) de propriedade diversa (com 51% de participação de indivíduos ou grupos minoritários)? Em caso afirmativo, indique qual das seguintes cerificações possui:
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Se aplicável, poderia fornecer uma hiperligação para o relatório público do Smoky Mountain Meetings sobre os seus compromissos e iniciativas relacionados com a diversidade, equidade e inclusão?
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Saúde e segurança

As políticas do Smoky Mountain Meetings são formuladas de acordo com sugestões de serviços de saúde feitas por organizações públicas ou privadas? Em caso afirmativo, relacione quais organizações foram utilizadas para desenvolver essas políticas:
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O Smoky Mountain Meetings limpa e higieniza as áreas públicas e instalações de acesso público (ou seja, salas de reuniões, restaurantes, elevadores etc.)? Em caso afirmativo, descreva as novas medidas tomadas.
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