Cvent Supplier Network

Forest Holidays Cropton

Cropton, Pickering, Inglaterra, YO18 8ES
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About us

Forest Holidays at Cropton offers 59 luxurious cabins (sleeping 1-6) with private hot tubs on breath-taking Forestry Commission land. Your corporate retreat will be tailored specifically to suit your requirements, offering a unique experience that will challenge, strengthen and reward your team so they return to the office feeling relaxed and reinvigorated. For smaller groups, our cabins and private meeting provide informal meeting spaces, with room to gather to share ideas, space to break out into groups, fully equipped kitchens for refreshments and a woodland panorama so you can relax and let the ideas flow. For larger groups, our tepees are erected against the backdrop of the forest will transform any meeting into an atmospheric event, making memories to last forever. In addition, we can also arrange a wide variety of team building activities for your groups, as well as catering to suit every brief and budget. Simple luxury is our ethos. Simple Luxury in Stunning Locations The Forest Holidays experience is rooted in the natural world of the forest and you will instantly feel the embrace of this abiding yet ever-changing backdrop. Escape to one of nine idyllic locations and stay in luxury cabins with private hot tubs – your sanctuary in the forest. Enjoy the simple luxury of a sunlit forest glade, birdsong carried on the breeze, absolute peace; the simple luxury of time, space and tranquillity, to relax, recharge and rediscover; the simple luxury of your cabin comforts, cosy underfloor heating, soaring windows with dramatic woodland views, your own private outdoor hot tub. This is luxury the Forest Holidays way - simple, thoughtful, natural, in every season. Eco-Sensitive Retreats: Protecting the Natural Environment The natural environment is central to the Forest Holidays experience and we recognise our responsibility to protect it. Our nine locations are designed, built and managed with sensitivity to their forest setting, incorporating eco-sensitive features and best practice in order to limit our environmental impact. We are part owned by the Forestry Commission and share with them a responsibility for sustaining and conserving our forests for the enjoyment of everyone, now and into the future. Our cabins are designed by award winning architects Holder Matthias to BREEAM specifications, BREEAM being the body that sets the standard for best practice in sustainable design. This means that our cabins benefit from the latest eco-sensitive thinking and boast features like foundations and roofing that allow rainwater to flow straight back into the forest floor and insulation of the highest specification. Proud To Be Green: Our Eco-Tourism Awards Forest Holidays is a member of the Green Tourism Business Scheme, the certification scheme for sustainable tourism in the UK. All our locations are independently monitored on aspects such as recycling, energy usage and biodiversity. As a result of our membership we have introduced many new environmentally friendly initiatives, including having “green champions” on-site, creating bug hotels and bat boxes, and installing daylight sensors on our external lights. Our sites have all attained either Silver or Gold awards, including our head office in Derbyshire. Forest Holidays and the Woodland Trust Forest Holidays is committed to preserving the forest for future generations, through our support of the Woodland Trust, who own and manage over 1,200 woods, all with free public access. The objective of the Woodland Trust is to double woodland cover in the UK by 2050 and, through our financial support, trees are planted on our behalf by the organisation.

Detalhes do local

Espaço total para reuniões1 pés quadrados
Capacidade de pessoas em pé300
Capacidade de assentos250
Construído em2011
Reformado em2014
Tipo de localLocais de eventos especiais


Industry awards
Forest Holidays at Cropton has been awarded Silver by the Green Tourism Business Scheme, a certification scheme for sustainable tourism in the UK. All of our locations are independently monitored on aspects such as recycling, energy usage and biodiversity. As a result of our membership we have introduced many new environmentally initiatives including having 'green champions' on-site, creating bug hotels and bat boxes, and installing daylight sensors on our external lights. Our 9 locations have all attained either Silver or Gold awards, our Head Office in Derbyshire has also been awarded Silver.
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Salas de reuniões

Espaço total para reuniões
1,1 sq. ft.
Salas de reuniões
Espaço para exposições
1,1 sq. ft.
Capacidade de pessoas em pé
Capacidade de assentos
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Total de quartos
Solteiro (1 cama)
Casal (2 camas)
Taxa de imposto
Taxa de ocupação


Como chegar

Distance from airport 60 mi

Informações adicionais

Restrições do estabelecimento

Maximum capacity numbers is based on one of our tepees which are erected on our stunning meadow.

Perguntas frequentes sobre Forest Holidays Cropton

Explore as perguntas frequentes sobre Forest Holidays Cropton com relação a Saúde e Segurança, Sustentabilidade, Diversidade e Inclusão

Práticas sustentáveis

Forneça comentários ou um link para quaisquer metas/estratégias de sustentabilidade ou impacto social do Forest Holidays Cropton comunicadas publicamente.
Sem resposta.
O Forest Holidays Cropton tem uma estratégia que se concentra na eliminação e no desvio de resíduos (ou seja, plásticos, papéis, papelão etc.)? Em caso afirmativo, descreva detalhadamente sua estratégia de eliminação e desvio de resíduos.
Sem resposta.

Diversidade e Inclusão

Somente para os hotéis dos EUA, o Forest Holidays Cropton e/ou sua matriz está credenciada como um empreendimento comercial (BE) de propriedade diversa (com 51% de participação de indivíduos ou grupos minoritários)? Em caso afirmativo, indique qual das seguintes certificações você possui:
Sem resposta.
Se aplicável, poderia fornecer um link para o relatório público do Forest Holidays Cropton sobre os seus compromissos e iniciativas relacionados com a diversidade, equidade e inclusão?
Sem resposta.

Saúde e segurança

As políticas do Forest Holidays Cropton são formuladas de acordo com sugestões de serviços de saúde feitas por organizações públicas ou privadas? Em caso afirmativo, relacione quais organizações foram utilizadas para desenvolver essas políticas:
Sem resposta.
O Forest Holidays Cropton limpa e higieniza as áreas públicas e instalações de acesso público (ou seja, salas de reuniões, restaurantes, elevadores etc.)? Em caso afirmativo, descreva as novas medidas tomadas.
Sem resposta.

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