Cvent Supplier Network

Vila Iris

Dacia blvd 49/10, Chisinau, Moldávia, 2062
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About us

Vila Iris is a 3-star hotel which offers its guests everything required for a comfortable stay in Chisinau. The hotel is located conveniently in the park area and therefore it is an ideal choice for accommodation during a business trip or a holiday visit in Moldova. The quiet and comfortable atmosphere dominating in Vila Iris, which is backed with high quality service, hospitality and attentiveness of the staff will make it possible for you to enjoy the moments spent here to the full. Upon request of our guests, trips can be organized through Moldova or to the most famous sights, such as: Cricova and Milestii Mici wine cellars, or a special trip to Moldova’s Orthodox sacred places – churches, monasteries and temples. Also we can provide information on the current cultural events in R.M. The hotel offers its guests 11 comfortable rooms corresponding to the modern requirements for a 3-star hotel. Each room has everything necessary to make your stay at Vila Iris as comfortable as possible.

Detalhes do local

CadeiaIndependent / Other
Construído em-
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Espaço total para reuniões-
Tipo de localHotel


Características do quarto e serviços de hóspedes
  • Acesso à Internet
  • Serviço de lavandaria
  • Vista (urbana)
  • Ônibus
  • Táxi
  • Estadia prolongada
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Como chegar

Estacionamento na área
Estacionamento na rua

Atrações locais

The National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History
The National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History
The history of the museum begins in 1889 when Bessarabian zemstvo organised the Exhibition of Agriculture and Industry. It is the oldest museum in Moldova. Was founded as Agricultural Museum, during its existence has gradually expanded its activity areas, creating collections that reflect the natural history, contemporary nature, the developments in human society and traditional culture on the territory of Bessarabia and later of the Republic of Moldova. Currently it holds a collection of about 135,000 pieces. It created numerous exhibitions that revealed the animal and plant world, the natural riches of the region and the crafts of the people. Pieces of the museum collections were presented in different exhibitions in many countries in Europe, Asia, America and Africa.
82 M. Kogalniceanu str.
Chisinau, MD 2062
The park complex Valea Morilor (Mills Valley)
The park complex Valea Morilor (Mills Valley)
The Mills Valley Park and the lake from this area were built in 1952. The entire surface area is of 102 hectares. The park project was developed by a team of authors led by architect R. Curt. The park is situated on a plot with an interesting and unusual landscape. It has four entrances. The lake of 34 hectares is the center of landscape composition. Around the lake there is a circular driveway for a length of 2.5 km. Almost half of the territory is covered by green areas. Predominant species are Canadian pyramidal poplar, white willow, chestnut and several species of maple, lime, score, and black pines. The park is of large profile. Here is the Summer Theater with 5000 of seats, "Day" Cinema, the pavilion of checkers and chess, children's village "Andriesh", beach, attractions. On the park territory is located the free enterprise area “Moldexpo”.
Chisinau, MD 2062
Visitar site
National Army Museum
National Army Museum
At the National Army Museum, you can imagine what life may have been like in Soviet-controlled Moldova. Begin by entering the open-air courtyard, where you can examine tanks, planes and other war machines for free. This area seems to be a popular place for local families to bring their children. If you'd like to buy a ticket you can also enter the attached building, in which you'll find an assortment of artifacts outlining the various conflicts which have affected Moldova. Open Tuesday to Sunday.
47 Tighina street
Chisinau, MD 2062
National Archeology and History Museum
National Archeology and History Museum
Travel Back in (Moldovan) Time. At the National Archeology and History Museum, you can explore Moldova's history. Beginning at the dawn of Moldovan time, you'll see ancient artifacts and models of early inhabitants of Bessarabia. Moving forward in time you'll see the ongoing interactions between current-day Moldova and Russia, as well as Moldova's growing place in the global community. Expect to see lots of propaganda along the way, culminating in a large 3D diorama of Operation Iasi-Chisinau. Open Tuesday to Sunday.
121a, 31 August 1989 str.
Chisinau, MD 2062
Cathedral Park
Cathedral Park
It is situated in the centre of the city, its south-west side abutting upon Great National Meeting Square. Its area is 9 hectares. It was founded in 1836. The park has 8 entrances, the straight alleys lead to the open space in front of Cathedral. The green plantation: elm, birch, firs of different kinds - blue and Norway spruce, maple, lime, service-tree, a lot of flowers and bushes.
Chisinau, MD 2062
Water Tower
Water Tower
30 min
This water tower was built in 1892. Now it is a museum for the history of Chisinau. As you walk upstairs from floor to floor you proceed in the history of the city. I starts with copies of the first documents, where Chisinau is mentioned. There are lots of old pictures, which you can compare to how things look nowadays. Finally you reach the platform, from where you have a great view all over the city.
2 Mitropolit Bănulescu-Bodoni Street
Chisinau, MD 2062
Stefan cel Mare park
Stefan cel Mare park
20 min
This is one of the few monuments dating form the period when Chisinau was a Romanian town. At the front entrance of the Stefan cel Mare park, there is installed the monument to the famous Moldavian king Stefan cel Mare. The bronze statue unveiled in 1928 is one of the masterpieces of the sculptor Alexander Plamadiala. It is believed that the destiny of the this statue is not less mysterious and dramatic, than destiny of the king itself.
Chisinau, MD 2062

Perguntas frequentes sobre Vila Iris

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Práticas sustentáveis

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O Vila Iris tem uma estratégia que se concentra na eliminação e no desvio de resíduos (ou seja, plásticos, papéis, papelão etc.)? Em caso afirmativo, descreva detalhadamente sua estratégia de eliminação e desvio de resíduos.
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Diversidade e Inclusão

Somente para os hotéis dos EUA, o Vila Iris e/ou sua matriz está credenciada como um empreendimento comercial (BE) de propriedade diversa (com 51% de participação de indivíduos ou grupos minoritários)? Em caso afirmativo, indique qual das seguintes certificações você possui:
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Se aplicável, poderia fornecer um link para o relatório público do Vila Iris sobre os seus compromissos e iniciativas relacionados com a diversidade, equidade e inclusão?
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Saúde e segurança

As políticas do Vila Iris são formuladas de acordo com sugestões de serviços de saúde feitas por organizações públicas ou privadas? Em caso afirmativo, relacione quais organizações foram utilizadas para desenvolver essas políticas:
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O Vila Iris limpa e higieniza as áreas públicas e instalações de acesso público (ou seja, salas de reuniões, restaurantes, elevadores etc.)? Em caso afirmativo, descreva as novas medidas tomadas.
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