Cvent Supplier Network

Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau

308 West Franklin Street, 27516
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Let Curiosity Lead You Here

Experience, Explore, Taste, Unwind, Tune In, Stay and Meet at our unique destination! • Chapel Hill, NC is a popular choice for small to medium sized meetings up to 300 because it is one of the few destinations that offer small town charm with big city flair. • Chapel Hill is a mix of historic sites, unique gardens, wonderful museums, art galleries and is home of the nation’s first state university, the University of North Carolina. • Chapel Hill’s celebrated Franklin Street features over 300 shops, boutiques, galleries and restaurants and offers a vibrant, lively downtown scene. • The foodie scene rocks with award winning chef’s creating inspired, fresh dishes. You’ll also find world-renowned music clubs, hip, eclectic bars, awesome craft beers nd cool coffee shops. • The avant-garde arts scene is literally on every corner to discover. • Orange County, NC is also home to Carrboro where the uncommon is common in this former mill town and Hillsborough which has rich historical roots. The area offers hotels ranging from Four Diamond and boutique to edgy and affordable. Come experience our rich culture in a town that is anything but mainstream.

Detalhes do local

Centro de convenções25.000 pés quadrados
Quartos em 1 hotel150
Locais de eventos especiais10
Tarifa média do quarto$175
Taxa de ocupação6%
Custo diário de alimentação$56
Taxa de imposto7.5%
Tipo de localCVB
Discover Chapel HillDiscover Chapel Hill
For more information about Chapel Hill, NC explore the city guide

Datas necessárias

Sua data do evento é flexível? Reserve durante as datas necessárias do hotel.

16 de mar. de 2025 - 20 de mar. de 2025
23 de mar. de 2025 - 27 de mar. de 2025
30 de mar. de 2025 - 31 de mar. de 2025
7 de abr. de 2025 - 9 de abr. de 2025
13 de abr. de 2025 - 16 de abr. de 2025
20 de abr. de 2025 - 23 de abr. de 2025
27 de abr. de 2025 - 30 de abr. de 2025
4 de mai. de 2025 - 7 de mai. de 2025
11 de mai. de 2025 - 14 de mai. de 2025
18 de mai. de 2025 - 21 de mai. de 2025
25 de mai. de 2025 - 28 de mai. de 2025
1 de jun. de 2025 - 4 de jun. de 2025
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Seasonal Availability

Do you want to know if your event is during the high or low season? Check the season availability for this hotel.
Alta temporada
16 de set. de - 15 de nov. de16 de mar. de - 11 de mai. de
Temporada intermediária
Baixa temporada
01 de jan. de - 31 de jan. de16 de ago. de - 15 de set. de16 de nov. de - 31 de dez. de01 de fev. de - 15 de mar. de12 de mai. de - 15 de ago. de

Como chegar

LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION: * Chapel Hill is located in the center of the state of North Carolina * Easily accessible by 2 major interstates I-40 and 1-85 * Chapel Hill is within a day's drive for half the country and midway between Atlanta and Philadelphia, making it convenient for drive in attendees. * Only 7 miles from Downtown Durham and Duke University * 30 miles from the state capitol Raleigh and NC State University. * Research Triangle Park is only 15 miles away RALEIGH/DURHAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT: * Located 20 minutes from RDU * Chapel Hill is just an hour's flight away for more than half of the US. * RDU offers 400 daily flights arriving from 40 nonstop destinations both domestic and international, and serves nearly 10 million passengers annually. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: * Chapel Hill Transit which serves Chapel Hill, Carrboro and the University of North Carolina is FREE TO RIDE!
Distance from Raleigh-Durham International Airport airport 18 mi


Atrações locais

University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina
UNC was chartered in 1789 and was the nation's first public university. Home of the Tar Heels!
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Downtown Chapel Hill
Downtown Chapel Hill
Distrito comercial
Franklin Street is a vibrant downtown area featuring many college style and upscale restaurants, pubs, clothing stores, galleries, UNC memorabilia shops and boutiques. It is the heart of the downtown area.
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Downtown Carrboro
Downtown Carrboro
Distrito comercial
Main Street features gift and craft shops, fashion, coffee shops, restaurants and galleries. Carrboro is a walking town; there is nowhere you can't go and nowhere you wouldn't go on foot.
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North Carolina Botantical Gardens
North Carolina Botantical Gardens
The Botanical Garden, one of the largest botanical gardens in the SE, features nature trails, carnivorous plant collections, perennial borders, aquatics and herb gardens. Meeting space available.
Old Mason Farm Road
Chapel Hill, NC
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Cat's Cradle
Cat's Cradle
Vida noturna
Located less than a mile from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill campus in downtown Carrboro, the Cat’s Cradle has been the Triangle’s premier live music venue for over 40 years. Having hosted bands as diverse as Nirvana, Public Enemy, John Mayer, Joan Baez, and Iggy Pop, the Cat’s Cradle has become a must-stop venue for premier music acts over the past several decades. With a capacity of 750 people, the Cat’s Cradle allows concert-goers a chance to see established and up-and-coming bands alike in an intimate setting.
300 East Main Street
Carrboro, NC
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North Carolina Collection Gallery
North Carolina Collection Gallery
Eclectic collection of artifacts and exhibits related to North Carolina and University history
South Road
Chapel Hill
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Kidzu Children's Museum
Kidzu Children's Museum
Hands-on, interactive, exhibit areas geared to children 0-10 years that inspire children to learn through creative play
201 S. Estes
Chapel Hill, NC
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Downtown Hillsborough
Downtown Hillsborough
Distrito comercial
15 min
In the heart of the historic district, you will find a good choice of antique, wine, chocolate, jewelry, craft shops and locally owned restaurants. Hillsborough is the oldest town in the Piedmont and is listed on the Historic Register of Places and boasts more than 100 late 18th century and early 19th century structures.
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Carr Mill Mall
Carr Mill Mall
Carr Mill Mall is a beautifully restored former textile mill. Home to fine specialty shops, restaurants and galleries.
East Main Street
Carrboro, NC
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University Place
University Place
University Place into a vibrant community hub in the heart of Chapel Hill, with chef-driven restaurants, eclectic shops, live entertainment, and walk/bike focused residences.
201 S. Estes Drive
Chapel Hill, NC
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Morehead Planetarium and Science Center
Morehead Planetarium and Science Center
Offers behind the scenes views of current science research through activities for entire family. Has the largest fulldome digital video planetarium in the southeast
250 E. Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC
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Ackland Art Musuem
Ackland Art Musuem
The musuem holds more than 17,000 works of art, including significant collections of European masterworks, 20th Century and contemporary art, African Art, North Carolina Pottery and folk art, as well as the state's premier collections of Asian Art.
101 South Columbia Street
Chapel Hill, NC
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Carolina Basketball Museum
Carolina Basketball Museum
State of the art museum honors Carolina Basketball with over 8,000 sq. ft, featuring a "Game Day" theme and interactive displays and memorbilia from Carolinas storied program.
450 Skipper Bowles Dr.
Chapel Hill, NC, US 27516
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Centros de convenções

Friday Conference CenterThe Friday Conference Center provides exceptional, flexible event and meeting spaces for a variety of purposes, from large conventions and banquet receptions to small seminars to professional development workshops.
Espaço total para reuniões17.648 pés quadrados

Informações adicionais

Additional details

Raleigh/Durham International Airport is only 20 minutes from Chapel Hill and offers many direct flight options both domestic and international.

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Diversidade e Inclusão

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