Hotel Sport
Room features and guest services
- Internet access
- Laundry service
- Onsite catering
- Onsite restaurant
- Space (private)
Business services
- AV capabilities
Recreational activities
- Health club
- Indoor pool
- Tennis courts
Venue accessibility
- Train
- Paid parking
- Bus parking
Hotel Sport Meeting Space
Guest Rooms
Hotel Sport is located 20 km north from Prague in a green area of the town Kralupy nad Vltavou (20 000 inhabitants), on the motorway route Praha—Teplice—Dresden—Berlin. Hotel Sport is devoted to individual as well as group, business as well as private, family or sport oriented tourism. Our services and equipment fulfils wishes and needs of everyone regardless age or profession. The hotel offers 181 impeccable and well appointed guest rooms with ample and proper facilities and services to take care of all your accommodation needs. We are also the ideal place for your congresses, conferences, workshops etc. as well as private or business parties. All congress rooms are provided with up-to-date equipment.