Hotel Resort Landgoed Westerlee
Cvent 공급자 네트워크에 대한 정보 알아보기
Hoofdweg 67 Westerlee Scheemda 9678 PH
편의 시설
- 현장의 식당
레크리에이션 활동
- 스파 또는 헤어샵
손님 객실 합계15
Hotel Resort Landgoed Westerlee is ideally located in Scheemda. Estate Westerlee features 14 classic luxury rooms with double Jacuzzi which are equipped with all comforts to ensure you a relaxing stay. For lunch or dinner offers Estate Westerlee about the restaurant Parelvisser or the estate of the Brasserie, a bar with lounge where you can have a cup of coffee, several terraces and several multipurpose rooms for private or business meeting.
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