Shreveport Convention Center an SMG Managed Facility
- インターネットアクセス
- 眺望(市街)
- 電話(フリーダイアル)
- 電話(市内)
- 音声メールボックス
- スペース(セミプライベート)
- スペース(プライベート)
- 施設内ケータリング
- 施設内レストラン
- 車椅子利用可
- AV 設備
- VIP サービス
- ビデオ会議
- タクシー
- バス
- 鉄道
- ダンスフロア
- ピアノ
- ローディングドック
- 可動間仕切り壁
- 可搬型ヒーター
7.4 マイル(会場から)
- 有料駐車場
- バス駐車場
Shreveport Convention Center an SMG Managed Facilityのミーティングスペース
The Shreveport Convention Center has more than 350,000 square feet meeting space that can be tailored to any group's needs. Meeting space includes Main exhibit hall has 95,000 column-free square feet with a 30-foot ceiling that can be divided into three sections. The Captain Shreve Ballroom on the second level has a total of 18,000 square feet with a 25-foot ceiling and is divisible into four rooms, ranging from 2,500 square feet to 7,000 square feet. It accommodates groups of up to 2,000 with theater-style seating and up to 1,500 for banquets. The 10 meeting rooms each have approximately 1,600 square feet with 20-foot ceilings and are located on the second floor across from the ballroom. Also, a large boardroom and two small conference rooms provide more choices for space that is best-suited for your needs. The multi-purpose Red River Boardroom is housed in the Shreveport Convention Center's unique stone and glass main entry "drum." The Boardroom's expanse of windows offers picturesque views of the Red River and the downtown Shreveport skyline.