Quality Inn and Suites Matthews - Charlotte
TripAdvisor Excellence Award; Gold Award, one of the preferred hotels in Union County, NC.
- インターネットアクセス
- コンシエルジュサービス
- ランドリーサービス
- 電話(フリーダイアル)
- 電話(市内)
- 音声メールボックス
- スペース(プライベート)
- ペット可
- レンタカーサービス
- 巡回警備員
- 施設内ギフトショップ
- 施設内ケータリング
- 車椅子利用可
- AV 設備
- ビジネスセンター
- ビデオ会議
AV 設備
- 高速インターネット
- ウォータースポーツ
- スパまたはサロン
- テニスコート
- ヘルスクラブ
- 屋外プール
- バス
- 鉄道
18 マイル(会場から)
- 無料駐車場
- 有料駐車場
- バス駐車場
Quality Inn and Suites Matthews - Charlotteのミーティングスペース
GROUP Group and Individual Group Reservations must be guaranteed by the cutoff date your reservations may be canceled without penalty 7 DAYS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL, any reservations canceled without an ACT OF GOD will be charged 1 nights room and tax. It is the responsibility of the signing party to notify group attendees of this cancellation. This cancellation supersedes any individual cancellation clauses due to the group rate and amenities. All reservations received after the cut-off date will be accepted on a space available basis and subject to standard rates. MEETING The final order is due (7) seven days prior to the start of your event. Should the final guarantee not be received (7) seven days prior to the above function(s), the contracted number of guests will be the basis for the billing charges. To confirm your final meeting needs on a definite basis, please carefully review and sign the meeting agreement and return (14) fourteen days prior to the start of your event . Any cancellations made to the meeting room space and or Food & Beverage orders 7 DAYS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL will be charged in full. Any changes to the room design made within 48hrs will result in $150.00 fee. Applicable 7.25% tax and a 22% service fee++ will be added to charges outlined above. The undersigned represent that they are authorized to sign and enter into this contract.