Clarion Hotel Malmo Live
- インターネットアクセス
- コンシエルジュサービス
- ランドリーサービス
- ルームサービス
- 眺望(市街)
- 眺望(海またはウォーターフロント)
- 荷物置き場
- 電話(市内)
- カジノ
- ペット可
- 巡回警備員
- 施設内ギフトショップ
- 施設内ケータリング
- 施設内レストラン
- 車椅子利用可
- 長期の滞在
- AV 設備
- VIP サービス
- ビジネスセンター
- ビデオ会議
AV 設備
- AV 機器
- 高速インターネット
- スキー
- スパまたはサロン
- テニスコート
- ヘルスクラブ
- タクシー
- バス
- 鉄道
- ステージングエリア
- ダンスフロア
- ローディングドック
- 可動間仕切り壁
- 可搬型ヒーター
15.53 マイル(会場から)
- 有料駐車場
- バス駐車場
Clarion Hotel Malmo Liveのミーティングスペース
Malmö art, sciences and history
Möllevångstorget "Möllan"
Malmö Beaches
Turning Torso
Kungsparken & Slottsparken
Clarion Hotel & Congress Malmö Live is centrally located in Malmö, 2 minutes walk from the central station, and only 20 minutes by train from Copenhagen Airport. It's unique building is a landmark in the skyline of the City of Malmö, and a meeting place for locals. HOTEL The 444 hotel rooms has a modern and Scandinavian design and are located on floor 3 to 24. CONGRESS & CONFERENCE Clarion Malmö Live is a large venue with capacity for all types of assemblies and events, including concerts. The property consists of a large congress hall and a large concert hall for local and international events. The hall has a flexible design, which allows it to be used for anything from exhibitions, international congresses, conferences, banquet dinners and much more. MEETING ROOMS The 23 meeting rooms are placed on five different levels. Around the meeting rooms are beautiful open spaces with art and design. RESTAURANTS On the top floor you find GRAND ITALIAN that offers an italian kitchen in an eclectic design. The beautiful view makes it an unforgettable experience. BARS The sky bar 85 meters above sea level is a must. Perfect drinks with stunning sunset views. Right next to the lobby is our Living Room Bar. A place to unwind after a busy day. TERRACE The Terrace is our roof top bar, open during summer months offering an incredible outdoor experience during summer months. With a capacity of 250 people, everything Is possible. GYM The hotel gym is well-known for it's great range of equipment, it also holds a traditional sauna. PARKING There is parking underneath the hotel and can be reached from Beringsgatan. The garage is owned by the city and space can neither be pre-booked nor paid for at the hotel. TOUR Take a virtual tour of the hotel and get a feel for the venue: