The Greyhound Coaching Inn
- インターネットアクセス
- 荷物置き場
- 施設内ケータリング
- 施設内レストラン
- 車椅子利用可
- AV 設備
- 屋外プール
- タクシー
- バス
- 有料駐車場
The Greyhound Coaching Innのミーティングスペース
The Greyhound Coaching Inn is a charming and traditional 18th Century coaching inn located in the South Leicestershire town of Lutterworth. A family-owned hotel, The Greyhound Coaching Inn has been sympathetically restored by Robert Eggleston to provide a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Guests can expect a warm welcome to this Grade II listed hotel and enjoy delicious home-cooked food in the Restaurant or in the informal setting of the bar or lounge. As well as serving real ale, the bar and Lounge also offers a wide variety of bar snacks from 12 noon until 2pm. Coffee and refeshments are available throughout the day and into the evening, with dinner served from 7pm. The Greyhound Coaching Inn offers 33 en-suite bedrooms all individually decorated to a high standard. We offer conference and meeting facilities as well as catering for parties, celebrations and weddings. Private parties and celebrations are offered in the unique atmosphere of The Vaults as well in the 70-seater Restaurant and in the Christina Room located on the first floor.