Kings Place Events
- スペース(セミプライベート)
- スペース(プライベート)
- スペース(屋外)
- 施設内ケータリング
- 施設内レストラン
- 車椅子利用可
- AV 設備
- ビデオ会議
- タクシー
- バス
- 地下鉄
- 鉄道
- ステージングエリア
- ダンスフロア
- ピアノ
- ローディングドック
- 可動間仕切り壁
AV 設備
- AV 設備
- AV 設備 (Bring your own)
15 マイル(会場から)
- 路上駐車
Kings Place Eventsのミーティングスペース
In the event of cancellation or postponement of the Event, Kings Place Events shall be entitled to cancellation charges as detailed below: i. 100 days or more prior to the commencement of the Event, Kings Place Events will return 80% of the total Charges due in respect of the Event. 20% will be retained to cover any administration costs that may have been incurred. ii. 61-99 days prior to the commencement of the event, the cancellation fee will be 50% of the total Charges due in respect of the Event. iii. 31-60 days prior to the commencement of the event, the cancellation fee will be 80% of the total Charges due in respect of the Event. iiii. 0-30 days prior to the commencement of the Event, the cancellation fee will be 100% of the total Charges due in respect of Event.