Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort (Peregrine Hospitality)
- インターネットアクセス
- コンシエルジュサービス
- ランドリーサービス
- ルームサービス
- 眺望(山)
- 眺望(市街)
- 眺望(庭)
- 眺望(海またはウォーターフロント)
- 荷物置き場
- 電話(フリーダイアル)
- 電話(市内)
- 音声メールボックス
- スペース(セミプライベート)
- スペース(プライベート)
- スペース(屋外)
- ペット可
- レンタカーサービス
- 巡回警備員
- 施設内ギフトショップ
- 施設内ケータリング
- 施設内レストラン
- 車椅子利用可
- 長期の滞在
- AV 設備
- VIP サービス
- ビデオ会議
AV 設備
- AV 機器
- 高速インターネット
- ウォータースポーツ
- ヘルスクラブ
- 屋外プール
- 気泡風呂
- タクシー
- バス
- 空港送迎シャトル
- ステージングエリア
- ローディングドック
- 可動間仕切り壁
HNL Airport: 7.9 miles
- 係員付き駐車サービス$60.00 / 日
9.1 マイル(会場から)
Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort (Peregrine Hospitality)のミーティングスペース
The International Market Place
Downtown Honolulu
Hawaii Convention Center
Diamond Head Trail
This iconic place of healing and renewal is complemented by the latest amenities, a focus on wellness and unmatched hospitality. Newly renovated guestrooms create a modern Hawai‘i residential feel. And authentic Hawaiian culture is everywhere, from curated artwork, local activities and hands-on craft making. Live music is also offered at the iconic Kani Ka Pila Grille - the best place to see award-winning contemporary Hawaiian performers in an intimate setting.
CANCELLATION OPTION The parties agree in the event the contracted event does not take place at the hotel, hotel would suffer damages that would be difficult to determine. Such damages would include, but not be limited to, losses of revenue from sleeping rooms, food and beverage events and other revenues generated by group events. Therefore, if Group elects to cancel this agreement for any reason other than a termination for cause, group agrees to provide written notice to the hotel accompanied by a liquidated damage payment as indicated in the following scale: A. Group Cancellation from time of signing to 90 days prior to arrival will be assessed a 25% of the guarantee room revenue. B. Group Cancellation from time of signing to 60 days prior to arrival will be assessed a 50% of the guarantee room revenue. C. Group Cancellation from time of signing to 30 days prior to arrival will be assessed a 75% of the guarantee room revenue. D. Cancellation within 29 days of arrival will be assessed a 90% of the guarantee room revenue. The option to cancel is agreed by the parties to constitute the exercise of a contractual option and not a default. The parties further agree that the amounts set forth above are reasonable estimates of the damages that would be incurred by hotel and include consideration of the possibility of the hotel’s ability to mitigate its losses through resale. Payment must accompany notice of cancellation in order to constitute a valid exercise of the cancellation option at the agreed amount of damages.
Diamond Head Ballroom- 2520 sq. ft.
Peregrine Hospitality - Formerly KSL Resorts, Peregrine Hospitality embodies the single owner/operator model and philosophy that has differentiated KSLR—founded over three decades ago on the belief that unique destinations can be successful by embracing their communities and sense of place.