Scanway Bayview Hotel
- 眺望(海またはウォーターフロント)
- レンタカーサービス
- 施設内ケータリング
- 施設内レストラン
- 車椅子利用可
- スパまたはサロン
- テニスコート
- 室内プール
- 屋外プール
- 気泡風呂
7.46 マイル(会場から)
Scanway Bayview Hotelのミーティングスペース
Scanway Bayview Hotel is located at Ataturk Mah. Camlik Mevki No: 15 in the city of Gulluk in Turkey. The hotel guarantees a wonderful vacation for all the guests, full of serenity and comfort, within the unique nature and sea view of Gulluk among meadows, only 200 meters to the coast line, with its very own beach, special beach bar and food & beverage services. The hotel provides 142 rooms for a comfortable stay in the hotel. The hotel has different categories of rooms with modern amenities. With its 150 Seater conference room, 75 seater meeting room and workshop area, Scanway Bayview Hotel is a perfect place for events, where all services are delivered with a classy taste, has the facilities that could host various activities like business meetings, motivation dinners, wedding, engagement and circumcision ceremonies, school dinners, cocktails, brunches, birthday and youth parties.