Novotel Berlin Am Tiergarten
- インターネットアクセス
- ランドリーサービス
- ルームサービス
- 眺望(市街)
- 荷物置き場
- 音声メールボックス
- ペット可
- 施設内ケータリング
- 施設内レストラン
- 車椅子利用可
- 長期の滞在
- AV 設備
- ビデオ会議
- ヘルスクラブ
- タクシー
- バス
- 地下鉄
- 空港送迎シャトル
- 鉄道
- ステージングエリア
- ダンスフロア
- 可動間仕切り壁
- 可搬型ヒーター
4.35 マイル(会場から)
- 有料駐車場€19.00 / 日
- 路上駐車
Novotel Berlin Am Tiergartenのミーティングスペース
PARTIAL CANCELLATION The partial cancellation fees shall be equal to a percentage of the global amount initially contracted or revised after a previous partial cancellation requested by the Client and confirmed in writing by the Hotel. For groups from 7 to 30 participants: * Up to 60 days before the event date - no partial cancellation fees * Between 59 days and 30 days before the event date Up to 50% - no fees More than 50% - 50% of the amount cancelled beyond 50% * Between 29 days and 8 days before the event date Up to 20% - no fees More than 20% - 80% of the amount cancelled beyond 20% * Between 7 days and the event date Any cancellation will be charged 100% For groups from 31 to 250 participants: Up to 365 days before the event date - no partial cancellation fees * Between 364 days and 180 days before the event date Up to 50% - no fees More than 50% - 50% of the amount cancelled beyond 50% * Between 179 days and 60 days before the event date Up to 20% - no fees More than 20% - 80% of the amount cancelled beyond 20% * Between 59 days and 30 days before the event Up to 10% - no fees More than 10% - 90% of the amount cancelled beyond 10% * Between 29 days and the event date Any cancellation will be charged 100% For groups beyond 251 participants: * Up to 365 days before the event date - no partial cancellation fees * Between 364 days and 180 days before the event date Up to 30% - no fees More than 30% - 50% of the amount cancelled beyond 50% Between 179 days and 60 days before the event date Up to 20% - no fees More than 20% - 80% of the amount cancelled beyond 20% * Between 59 days and 30 days before the event Up to 10% - no fees More than 10% - 90% of the amount cancelled beyond 10% * Between 29 days and the event date Any cancellation will be charged 100%
The certified Meeting Manager will give personalised advice on your incenive program plus sightseeing tips or assists organizing state-of-the-art presentation and communications technology.