Hotel Museo SPA Casa Santo Domingo
- 2025/03/14 – 2025/07/31
- インターネットアクセス
- コンシエルジュサービス
- ランドリーサービス
- ルームサービス
- 眺望(山)
- 眺望(庭)
- 荷物置き場
- スペース(プライベート)
- レンタカーサービス
- 巡回警備員
- 施設内ギフトショップ
- 施設内ケータリング
- 施設内レストラン
- 車椅子利用可
- AV 設備
- VIP サービス
- ビジネスセンター
- ビデオ会議
- スパまたはサロン
- 屋外プール
- タクシー
- バス
- 空港送迎シャトル
- ダンスフロア
- 可動間仕切り壁
- 可搬型ヒーター
24 マイル(会場から)
- 無料駐車場
- 路上駐車
- バス駐車場
Hotel Museo SPA Casa Santo Domingoのミーティングスペース
What to Do
Canopy Santo Domingo del Cerro
When you enter through a small door, prepare yourself to be transported to another place and time. In this innovative Hotel-Museum-Spa, every guest will enjoy a comfortable stay. In addition to the modern amenities and special characteristics, its134 rooms include 26 with the concept of SPA Living. Each room is decorated with works of art from renowned local artists as well as beautiful and detailed artistic weavings. It is necessary to contact the Hotel directly to make special requests such as rooms with one or two beds, for non-smokers, wheel chair-accessible, with a terrace or balcony, panoramic view and others since these are confirmed based on availibility. FACILITIES • restaurant and bar • archaeological area, museums and art galleries • gardens • swimming pool/jacuzzi • cardiovascular gym • parking GUEST SERVICES • public areas for non-smokers • safety deposit box at the Front Desk • concierge • ATM machine • room service • accesible rooms for guests with special needs • transportation • wifi • smart tv in guest rooms • catholic church ADDITIONAL FACILITIES & GUEST SERVICES IN SANTO DOMINGO DEL CERRO Exclusive brand of Casa Santo Domingo, 500 mts. from the entrance to La Antigua Guatemala. - 1 Restaurant - Heliport - Parking - Aviary - Function Rooms and Outdoor Spaces for Cultural, Corporate and Social activities - Glamping (12 rooms) - Santo Cielo GENERAL INFORMATION Rooms: - Check in Time 15:00 hrs. - Check out Time 12:00 hrs. - Tax: 22% in your room bill - Resort fee: US$10 per night per room - Service 12% in Food & Beverages Services - Most credit card are accepted
For Corporate Groups. If the event is cancelled - Will vary based on volume of group rooms function requirements, time period demand, compression and availability.
Awarded as: Guatemala's Leading Hotel 2009 Hotel Casa Santo Domingo opened its doors in June 1989. It is located 45 kilometers from the capital city (50 minutes by car) and only 10 minutes walking distance from the center of Antigua, Guatemala. We invite you to take a gastronomical walk through our kitchen where you will be able to select the dish of your predilection, which will be prepared with all the care and dedication to please the most demanding palate. SANTO DOMINGO DEL CERRO It is just 500 meters from the entrance to the City of Antigua, Guatemala, you can enjoy the view of three volcanoes: Agua (Water), Fuego (Fire) and Acatenango - and gardens with a diverse collection of contemporary fine art by renowned Guatemalan artists. EVENTS A perfect stage for any event. From a memorable wedding to an important business meeting. Indoor and ourtdoor venues, delicious menus, unique decoration, fully equipped facilities and assistance of experienced staff that will guide you through the planning process and support you during the event. CLIMATE Tropical-annual average termperature between 55° and 75 F°.