Cvent Supplier Network

Rezen Retreat Zunyi

zone 6 of Zunyi ancient city, Opposite the public security branch, Zunyi, Cina, 563000
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About us

Rezen Retreat Zunyi is a unique quadrangle hotel with home stay style under Licheng. If you stay here for one night, you can experience the local customs of Zunyi. In the Zunyi ancient city store of Licheng bieyuan, there are unique folk song and dance performances and listening to dramas, which perform different highlights every day. There are ear picking, shoulder and neck spa in the hotel to better relax you after tired travel, as well as bars, book bars, tea bars, gyms, laundry rooms, open restaurants, multi-functional conference halls, etc. to accompany you to spend a good day. The hotel has more than 40 Chinese style guest rooms, with small green tiles, sloping roofs, chuandoufang, corner buildings and traces of folk houses in northern Guizhou in those years, which have declined in the process of the rise of the city, but the ancient city of Zunyi has restored the delicate age of pink walls and carved window lattice. There are many kinds of rooms, and unique theme rooms and wedding rooms are also provided. The one button intelligent control and intelligent toilet of the guest room let you experience the combination of modern technology and ancient art. The hotel rooms use the goose down bedding of the famous brand "Stafford", natural latex ridge protection zero pressure mattress and multifunctional sleep pillow to let you sleep all night.

Dettagli sede

CatenaIndependent / Other
Anno di costruzione-
Anno di ristrutturazione-
Spazio riunioni totale-
Tipo di sedeHotel


Caratteristiche camere e servizi
  • Servizio di lavanderia
  • Catering interno
  • Ristorante interno
Attività ricreative
  • Centro benessere
  • Spa o salone di bellezza
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Diversità e inclusione

(Solo per gli hotel USA) Rezen Retreat Zunyi e/o la società capogruppo sono una Diverse-Owned Business Enterprise (DOBE), ovvero un'azienda almeno al 51% di proprietà di individui con disabilità? In caso affermativo, indicare la certificazione ottenuta:
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Salute e sicurezza

Le prassi di Rezen Retreat Zunyi sono state definite in base ai suggerimenti per i servizi sanitari forniti da organizzazioni pubbliche o private? In caso affermativo, elencare le organizzazioni utilizzate per definire tali prassi:
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Rezen Retreat Zunyi pulisce e igienizza le aree comuni e le strutture accessibili al pubblico (ad esempio le sale riunioni, i ristoranti, le cabine degli ascensori, ecc.)? In caso affermativo, descrivere le nuove misure adottate.
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