Hotel Galbov Mlyn

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Pri mlyne 714/1 Vinicne 90023


Caratteristiche camere e servizi

  • Accesso a Internet


  • Catering interno
  • Ristorante interno

Distanza da aeroporto

  • 11.56 mi. dalla sede


  • Parcheggio a pagamento

Spazio riunioni Hotel Galbov Mlyn

Sale riunioni5
Sala più grande1 sq. ft.
Seconda sala più grande1 sq. ft.


Totale camere33


Hotel Galbov Mlyn situated in beautiful surroundings in Vinicne in Pezinok. Galbov Mill Hotel is an ideal place for conferences, seminars or business meetings. The hotel has several areas for this purpose. The first is air-conditioned conference room located on the first floor with a capacity of 70 persons. The second alternative is a multi-purpose room on the ground floor, whose capacity can hold 80 people. Training for groups of 10-40 people are determined newly built two modern seminar rooms with the possibility of relaxation in interesting solution terrace with stunning views of the surrounding countryside


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