Cvent Supplier Network

TCB Thessaloniki Convention Bureau

154, Egnatias Str. (T.I.F HELEXPO) Pavilion 15, 54636
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Immagine sede

Why Choose Our Destination?

Thessaloniki Convention Bureau – most widely known as TCB - is a newly founded non - profit organisation set up by the Metropolitan Developing Agency of Thessaloniki S.A. in association with a group of public and private companies. The aim of the bureau is to promote Thessaloniki as an appropriate destination for the national and international MICE industry. Our goal is to establish Thessaloniki among the top MICE destinations, while maintain its identity and idiosyncrasy, that make it special. The organisation consists of and is supported by a number of members drawn from the city’s enterprises that work in the field of conference tourism, providing a wide range of services in connection with the organisation of conventions, meetings and other related activities.The city offers a great variety of choices to conference organisers.Thanks to their increased specialisation, significant know-how and long-time experience, greek professional congress/convention organisers and suppliers related to the meetings industry provide high quality services that guarantee the success of every event. As the second biggest city in Greece, with a population of more than a million, Thessaloniki is a business centre of enormous European and international interest. The city hosts the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair, has an active commercial port and boasts strong local industrial activity, as well as a strong academic and research community. The city is the largest research centre in Greece. Its 120,000-strong community of academics innovates by forming spin-off companies and institutions, acting as incubators for new enterprises and participating actively in the city’s economic growth. The city is buzzing with energy and fresh business ventures and hosts a great number of conferences, seminars and important business events all year round. Thessaloniki is a well-known host of international conventions due to its strategic location and its great range of conference spaces, accommodating small or large meetings perfectly. Ioannis Vellidis Conference Centre, inside HELEXPO, is the largest venue available, ideal for major business and scientific conventions, while Thessaloniki Concert Hall is also able to hold special business and cultural events Thessaloniki is a sprawling urban center, a cultural melting pot, where dreams, ideas, visions and trends percolate in an alternative, avant-garde scene. Its history is written upon everything you see. For thousands of years, this northern port-town has been a meeting point for people of different cultures. Thessaloniki bears the marks of a history steeped in centuries of prosperity and multiculturalism. Thessaloniki, the business hub of the Balkans, also offers excellent infrastructure. The city hosts several major exhibitions and conferences every year including the International Film Festival and the Thessaloniki International Exhibition. You can explore the city from east to west in about 30 minutes. The “Makedonia” airport is located 13 km far from Thessaloniki city center in the east side of the city and operates since 1930 serving yearly over 3,5 million passengers. Your off-duty needs will also be well-covered with good food and entertainment options, excellent museums, popular pedestrian ways and brand-name shopping. We encourage all of you to enjoy the services of our nonprofit Convention Bureau and we are looking forward to welcoming your future events to our beautiful city!

Dettagli sede

Centro congressi-
Camere in 1 hotel148
Sedi per eventi speciali2
Tariffa media camera$190
Tasso di occupazione-
Costo pasti giornaliero$90
Aliquota imposta23%
Tipo di sedeConvention Bureau
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Come raggiungerci

Distance from Thessaloniki Airport airport 12,427 mi


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Diversità e inclusione

(Solo per gli hotel USA) TCB Thessaloniki Convention Bureau e/o la società capogruppo sono una Diverse-Owned Business Enterprise (DOBE), ovvero un'azienda almeno al 51% di proprietà di individui con disabilità? In caso affermativo, indicare la certificazione ottenuta:
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Salute e sicurezza

Le prassi di TCB Thessaloniki Convention Bureau sono state definite in base ai suggerimenti per i servizi sanitari forniti da organizzazioni pubbliche o private? In caso affermativo, elencare le organizzazioni utilizzate per definire tali prassi:
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TCB Thessaloniki Convention Bureau pulisce e igienizza le aree comuni e le strutture accessibili al pubblico (ad esempio le sale riunioni, i ristoranti, le cabine degli ascensori, ecc.)? In caso affermativo, descrivere le nuove misure adottate.
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Perché aggiungere un Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB)?

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