Red Roof Inn & Suites Pensacola - NAS Corry

Scopri come funziona Cvent Supplier Network
4 North New Warrington Road Pensacola, FL 32506


Caratteristiche camere e servizi

  • Accesso a Internet
  • Chiamate (locali)
  • Servizio di lavanderia


  • Accessibile su sedia a rotelle
  • Animali ammessi

Servizi alle imprese

  • Business center

Distanza da aeroporto

  • 4 mi. dalla sede


  • Parcheggio gratuito
  • Parcheggio autobus

Spazio riunioni Red Roof Inn & Suites Pensacola - NAS Corry

Sale riunioni1


Totale camere70
Singola (1 letto)29
Doppia (2 letti)41
Aliquota imposta12,5%


Condizioni annullamento

Cancellation policies vary by rate plan and date. Always review rate rules for applicable cancellation information. All policies use local check-in time for policy calculation. To ensure accuracy, please cancel using the same method in which you booked.

Informazioni aggiuntive

A $50.00 deposit is required for all guests. This policy does not apply to DB (Direct Bill) and UCC (Universal Credit Card) guests.


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