Cvent Supplier Network

Namur Expo

Avenue Sergent Vrithoff 2, Namur, Belgio, 5000
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Immagine sede

About us

Namur Expo has a floor area of 12 000 m². With two exhibition halls, a new reception hall and two meeting rooms in the seminar center, Namur Expo is very well equipped. One of the halls has 8 000 m² of floor space and is the largest in Wallonia. Separate entrances, great technical facilities and two restaurants with outstanding catering make for a flawless event. The venue opens its doors to some 250.000 visitors every year. With large exhibition halls, meeting rooms and a forum, there is plenty of room for bigger events, enjoyable receptions and live performances. Add excellent ease of access to this and your event is guaranteed to be a success.

Dettagli sede

CatenaIndependent / Other
BrandOther Affiliation
Anno di costruzione-
Anno di ristrutturazione-
Spazio riunioni totale129.167 sq. ft.
Tipo di sedeCentro esposizioni


Caratteristiche camere e servizi
  • Accesso a Internet
  • Accessibile su sedia a rotelle
  • Catering interno
  • Ristorante interno
  • Sicurezza in loco
Servizi alle imprese
  • Funzionalità A/V
  • Autobus
  • Taxi
  • Treno
  • Apparecchi per riscaldamento portatili
  • Palcoscenico
  • Pareti divisorie mobili
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Sale riunioni

Spazio riunioni totale
129.167,0 sq. ft.
Sala più grande
7.534,7 sq. ft.
Sale riunioni
Seconda sala più grande
968,8 sq. ft.
Explore Meeting Rooms
Explore Meeting Rooms
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Spazio riunioni

Superficie sala
Altezza soffitto
Max capacity
Ferro di cavallo
Cena di gala
Tavolo unico
968,8 sq. ft.
VIP Lounge
861,1 sq. ft.
11,5 ft.
Hall 1
86.111,3 sq. ft.
264,1 x 333,0 sq. ft.
29,2 ft.
Hall 2
21.527,8 sq. ft.
132,9 x 198,5 sq. ft.
15,1 ft.
7.534,7 sq. ft.
82,1 x 156,3 sq. ft.
22,1 ft.-------


Come raggiungerci

Distance from airport 18.64 mi
Parcheggio in zona
Parcheggio a pagamento
Parcheggio in strada

Attrazioni locali

Musée Groesbeeck-de-Croix
Musée Groesbeeck-de-Croix
5 min
Not the easiest attraction to pronounce – but what matters is the unforgettable visit you'll have. The family home, vacated in 1935, has faithfully maintained the furnishings and atmosphere from its first wealthy occupants in 1751. The furnishings, trinkets, crockery and silverware the place oozes originality and you're almost expecting the owners to come through the door at any moment! The garden can also be visited.
Namur City Centre
Namur City Centre
Luogo di interesse storico
5 min
Parfumerie Guy Delforge
Parfumerie Guy Delforge
3 min
Parfumerie Delforge. The view from the entrance is perhaps something you might expect to see more in Provence than Belgium! Enter through the officer mess and discover the source of the essential oils! The visit takes you 30ft below ground and back to the 17th century. It's dark and cool down there – conditions essential to keep the oils properties intact. Guy Delforge learnt his trade in Grasse, France (the heart of the french perfume industry) and has been himself responsible for some award winning perfumes. A gift shop is available where some of the products can be purchased.
60 route Merveilleuse
Namur, BE 5000
Visita il sito web
Musée Félicien Rops
Musée Félicien Rops
3 min
The famous artist throughout France and Belgium, Felicien Rops, from Namur will undoubtedly provoke a strong reaction (posiive or negative) from you with his erotic art. Born in 1833, he illustrated Baudelaire's controversial Fleurs du Mal and Les Epaves and lived in a menage a trois with the Dubuc sisters. Graphic designer may be a better word than artist to describe what he produces - his use of soft colour both enhances and softens his drawings. Three floors of cheeky, rebellious, anti-authoritarian, and revolutionary works are yours to discover.
Rue Fumal 12
Namur, BE 5000
Visita il sito web
Citadel of Namur
Citadel of Namur
Luogo di interesse storico
3 min

Domande frequenti di Namur Expo

Consulta le domande frequenti di Namur Expo riguardo a salute e sicurezza, sostenibilità e diversità e inclusione.


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Namur Expo dispone di una strategia per l'eliminazione e la differenziazione dei rifiuti (ad es. plastica, carta, cartone, ecc.)? In caso affermativo, descriverla.
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Diversità e inclusione

(Solo per gli hotel USA) Namur Expo e/o la società capogruppo sono una Diverse-Owned Business Enterprise (DOBE), ovvero un'azienda almeno al 51% di proprietà di individui con disabilità? In caso affermativo, indicare la certificazione ottenuta:
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Se pertinente, includere un link alla relazione pubblica di Namur Expo sui propri programmi e iniziative in materia di diversità, equità e inclusione.
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Salute e sicurezza

Le prassi di Namur Expo sono state definite in base ai suggerimenti per i servizi sanitari forniti da organizzazioni pubbliche o private? In caso affermativo, elencare le organizzazioni utilizzate per definire tali prassi:
Nessuna risposta.
Namur Expo pulisce e igienizza le aree comuni e le strutture accessibili al pubblico (ad esempio le sale riunioni, i ristoranti, le cabine degli ascensori, ecc.)? In caso affermativo, descrivere le nuove misure adottate.
Nessuna risposta.

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