Cvent Supplier Network

Amreen Hotel Apartments - Seeb Al Hail

Al Hail, Seeb PO Box 3214, Muscat, Oman, 111
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About us

The elegant, sophisticated 2–Star Amreen Hotel - Seeb Al Hail is situated in a quiet, characteristic ambience, in the heart of the city, just 1.5 kms from the International Airport. At our hotel, the guests are enveloped by a distinct world of comfort and warmth of professional hospitality. Here, the city’s magnificence comes alive, pulsating and traditional in all its regal splendor The hotel boasts of a relaxed comforting atmosphere. The interior speaks of abundant luxury, which makes it a well-cared for place, down to the finest details and international standards. Amreen Hotel is an oasis of tranquility amidst the bustle of downtown Muscat. Amreen Hotel Apartments offer Orchid Suite, 24 studios with fragrance of the Rose Suite 8 one-bedrooms and Lily Suits 16 two-bedrooms apartments which will make you come back for mores of the world of luxuries aroma.

Dettagli sede

CatenaIndependent / Other
BrandOther Affiliation
Anno di costruzione-
Anno di ristrutturazione-
Spazio riunioni totale-
Tipo di sedeHotel


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Amreen Hotel Apartments - Seeb Al Hail dispone di una strategia per l'eliminazione e la differenziazione dei rifiuti (ad es. plastica, carta, cartone, ecc.)? In caso affermativo, descriverla.
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Diversità e inclusione

(Solo per gli hotel USA) Amreen Hotel Apartments - Seeb Al Hail e/o la società capogruppo sono una Diverse-Owned Business Enterprise (DOBE), ovvero un'azienda almeno al 51% di proprietà di individui con disabilità? In caso affermativo, indicare la certificazione ottenuta:
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Salute e sicurezza

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Amreen Hotel Apartments - Seeb Al Hail pulisce e igienizza le aree comuni e le strutture accessibili al pubblico (ad esempio le sale riunioni, i ristoranti, le cabine degli ascensori, ecc.)? In caso affermativo, descrivere le nuove misure adottate.
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