Cvent Supplier Network

The Gailes Hotel

Marine Drive Gailes, Irvine, Scozia, KA11 5AE
Contact us
Immagine sede

About us

Gailes Hotel is located on the northern outskirts of Irvine and only a couple of miles from Troon. The other main Ayrshire towns of Ayr and Kilmarnock are both less than fifteeen minutes drive on dual carriageway roads and Glasgow itself is not much more than half an hour by road via the M77. Gailes Hotel prides itself in both the quality and range of facilities on offer to the guest. As well as being a high quality hotel it also has its own branded restaurant, Zest; a suite of meeting rooms and conference facilities and a superb wedding venue. The Gailes Hotel is in the perfect location to appreciate Ayrshire with Quality Servicemany of the rooms having beautiful views over the surrounding golf courses and out towards the Isle of Arran. Our 41 modern bedrooms are available for single, double/twin or family occupancy and for extra comfort and versatility, we chose super-king size beds which can separate to become twin beds.

Dettagli sede

CatenaIndependent / Other
Anno di costruzione-
Anno di ristrutturazione-
Spazio riunioni totale-
Tipo di sedeHotel


Caratteristiche camere e servizi
  • Accesso a Internet
  • Catering interno
  • Ristorante interno
  • Spazio (esterno)
Servizi alle imprese
  • Funzionalità A/V
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Totale camere


Come raggiungerci

Distance from airport 7.08 mi
Parcheggio in zona
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Domande frequenti di The Gailes Hotel

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Diversità e inclusione

(Solo per gli hotel USA) The Gailes Hotel e/o la società capogruppo sono una Diverse-Owned Business Enterprise (DOBE), ovvero un'azienda almeno al 51% di proprietà di individui con disabilità? In caso affermativo, indicare la certificazione ottenuta:
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Salute e sicurezza

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The Gailes Hotel pulisce e igienizza le aree comuni e le strutture accessibili al pubblico (ad esempio le sale riunioni, i ristoranti, le cabine degli ascensori, ecc.)? In caso affermativo, descrivere le nuove misure adottate.
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