Cvent Supplier Network

Visit Cincy

525 Vine Street Suite 1200, 45202
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Immagine sede

Why Choose Our Destination?

The Cincinnati region is experiencing a vibrant transformation, with more than $2 billion in redevelopment in recent years. With an explosion of unique restaurants, shops and experiences, Cincinnati is an energetic and innovative community perfect for groups to meet and explore. When it comes to conventions, Cincy’s transformation is just getting started. Our downtown convention district is undergoing a $700 million reinvention. With construction to begin in 2024, the Convention District marquees will be a reimagined Duke Energy Convention Center (DECC) connected to a brand new, 800-room Headquarters Hotel. Even more convenient is that it's compact and walkable, with an additional 3,000 hotel rooms and more than 220 restaurants, 50 bars and 300 shops within blocks of the Downtown Convention District. The DECC currently features nearly 200,000 sq. ft. of exhibit space, and its stunning 40,000 sq. ft. Grand Ballroom. Its upgrades will feature an additional 12,000 sq. ft. of modernized extended exhibit space, upgraded meeting rooms and ballrooms and major technology and energy improvements. To add to the appeal, the development will pour over Elm Street to create a two-acre park and outdoor convention space for additional activations. Just 15 miles north of downtown, Cincinnati’s suburban convention option, the Sharonville Convention Center (SCC) and the Cincy North Convention District have gone through a renaissance of its own. The SCC opened a $21 million renovation and expansion that features 19 rooms with 65,000 sq. ft. of flexible meeting space and a 40,000 sq. ft. exhibition hall. Nearby, more than 20 nearby hotels house more than 3,000 guest rooms many of which are also new and renovated. Cincinnati is conveniently located within 500 miles of 60 percent of the U.S. population. The region is accessible and affordable with several new, low-cost and international routes being added at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport. Once here, attendees can explore the city using the Cincinnati Connector streetcar. The streetcar connects the Banks Entertainment District, the Central Business District and the historic Over-the-Rhine neighborhoods, giving attendees an experience of a vibrant mix of cultures and contrasts. See for yourself why culture reigns in Cincinnati and see how we connect attendees to endless possibilities and an experience nothing short of spectacular.

Dettagli sede

Centro congressi750.000 sq. ft.
Camere in 1 hotel-
Sedi per eventi speciali64
Tariffa media camera$118
Tasso di occupazione-
Costo pasti giornaliero$56
Aliquota imposta6.5%
Tipo di sedeConvention Bureau
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Come raggiungerci

Cincinnati has a downtown that is easily accessible from major interstates I-75 and I-71. Cincinnati is also within 500 miles of 60% of the nation's population. Cincinnati is also home to the Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG). That means that there are convenient flights to a wide variety of destinations.
Distance from Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport airport 12 mi


Centri congressi

Duke Energy Convention Center, CincinnatiDuke Energy Convention Center, Cincinnati, will undergo a $240 million transformation, reopening in January 2026. With over 750,000 square ft. of exhibit, meeting, and entertainment space, its the ideal destination for your next event!
Spazio espositivo195.000 sq. ft.
Spazio riunioni totale492.294 sq. ft.
Camere a 1 mi. dal centro congressi3.500
Sharonville Convention CenterThe Sharonville Convention Center in Northern Cincinnati has become the home to thousands of events from conventions, trade shows and consumer events to business meetings, banquets, wedding receptions and other special occasions.
Spazio espositivo40.000 sq. ft.
Spazio riunioni totale167.343 sq. ft.

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Diversità e inclusione

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Salute e sicurezza

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Perché aggiungere un Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB)?

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