Cvent Supplier Network

Providence Warwick CVB & RI Convention Center

10 Memorial Blvd., 02903
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Tapahtumapaikan kuva

Plan a Meeting To Write Home About in Providence

Providence, Rhode Island combines the best of a quaint New England town with the amenities and sophistication of a big city. Compact and walkable, Providence is home to acclaimed restaurants, a vibrant arts and culture scene, and beautifully preserved historic architecture. Nearby Warwick, RI features miles of scenic coastline and additional hotel, dining, shopping and entertainment choices. In the heart of downtown, lies the Rhode Island Convention Center (RICC), the Amica Mutual Pavilion and The VETS. The RICC consists of a 100,000-contiguous-square-foot exhibition hall, a 20,000-square-foot ballroom, 23 meeting rooms, and the Rotunda Room which provides spectacular views of the city. The PWCVB sales team looks forward to working with you to source all of your convention center opportunities.

Tapahtumapaikan tiedot

Kongressikeskus137 000 ft²
Hotellihuoneet5 800
Hotellihuoneita 1 hotellissa450
Huoneen keskihinta$165
Ruuan päivittäinen kustannus$71
Tapahtumapaikan tyyppiConvention and Visitors Bureau (CVB)
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Saapuminen tänne

The Providence/Warwick area is easy to reach by air, rail or highway. Rhode Island T.F. Green International Airport (PVD) is located less than 10 miles away in nearby Warwick, and it offers convenient connecting options to the rest of the world. Green's eco-friendly InterLink hub conveniently houses a rental car facility, public transportation, and rail service to Providence, Boston and beyond. This award-winning airport was named "4th Best Airport in the United States" in Conde Nast Traveler's 2022 Readers' Choice Awards. Providence is located on Amtrak's Northeast Corridor route, which runs from Boston to Washington, D.C. and back. High-speed Acela service easily transports passengers from New York City to Providence in about two hours and 30 minutes. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) runs low-cost, round-trip rail service from Boston to downtown Providence and to Rhode Island T.F. Green International Airport. The Providence train station is located in the center of downtown. For those driving into the destination, Interstate 95 runs straight through Providence. Once here, Providence and Warwick offer ample car rental, limousine and charter bus options.
Distance from Rhode Island T.F. Green International Airport-PVD airport 10 mi
Distance from Boston Logan International Airport airport 42 mi


Paikalliset nähtävyydet

Rhode Island Convention Center
Rhode Island Convention Center
The Rhode Island Convention Center consists of a 100,000-contiguous-square-foot exhibition hall, a 20,000-square-foot ballroom, 23 meeting rooms and two adjacent garages. View a virtual tour at the link below.
One Sabin Street
Providence, RI, US 02903
Siirry sivustolle
Amica Mutual Pavilion
Amica Mutual Pavilion
The 14,000-seat Amica Mutual Pavilion (AMP PVD) is connected to the RI Convention Center and features 31,000 square feet of arena space, a ceiling height of 90 feet, a 25,000-square-foot concourse, a new 12,000-square-foot lobby, and much more. View a virtual tour at the link below.
One LaSalle Square
Providence, RI, US 02903
Siirry sivustolle
The VETS is a 1,900-seat, historic performing arts venue, known for its unique combination of size and intimacy, superb acoustics and great sight lines. The VETS is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places. View a virtual tour at the link below.
One Avenue of the Arts
Providence, RI, US 02903
Siirry sivustolle
WaterFire Providence
WaterFire Providence
WaterFire is a multisensory experience that draws hundreds of thousands of visitors to the city. Comprised of a series of bonfires installed on downtown’s three rivers, WaterFire combines aromatic wood smoke, flickering firelight and enchanting music to create a truly singular experience. WaterFire is typically held several times a month from May to November.
Providence, RI, US 02903
Siirry sivustolle


Rhode Island Convention CenterThe Rhode Island Convention Center has more than 167,000 sq. ft. of exhibit, pre-function and meeting space, and is perfect for events large and small.
Näyttelytila100 000 ft²
Kokoustilojen kokonaismäärä90 000 ft²
Hotellihuoneet 1 mailin päässä kongressikeskuksesta2 200


Additional details

The staff at the award-winning Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (PWCVB) offers customizable, complimentary services to help planners create a successful event. "Cities to Watch" - Worth "America's Best Cities for Foodies" - Travel + Leisure


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Tapahtumapaikan Providence Warwick CVB & RI Convention Center usein kysytyt kysymykset

Tutustu tapahtumapaikan Providence Warwick CVB & RI Convention Center usein kysyttyihin kysymyksiin koskien terveyttä ja turvallisuutta, kestävyyttä sekä monimuotoisuutta ja syrjimättömyyttä

Kestävät käytännöt

Esittele lausuntoja tai linkki julkiseen viestintään koskien kestävän kehityksen tai sosiaalisen vaikutuksen tavoitteita/strategioita, jotka Providence Warwick CVB & RI Convention Center on asettanut.
Ei vastausta.
Onko Providence Warwick CVB & RI Convention Center ottanut käyttöön strategian, jossa keskitytään jätteiden (kuten muovien, paperien ja pahvien) eliminointiin ja vähentämiseen? Jos kyllä, selosta käytössä oleva jätteiden eliminointi- ja vähentämisstrategia.
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Monimuotoisuus ja syrjimättömyys

Vain Yhdysvalloissa sijaitsevien hotellien osalta: onko Providence Warwick CVB & RI Convention Center ja/tai emoyhtiö sertifioitu monimuotoisen omistuspohjan (51 %) yritystoiminnaksi (BE)? Jos kyllä, ilmoita, mikä seuraavista sertifioinneista on myönnetty:
Ei vastausta.
Jos Providence Warwick CVB & RI Convention Center on julkaissut raportin koskien sen sitoumuksia ja hankkeita monimuotoisuuden, yhdenvertaisuuden ja syrjimättömyyden osalta, anna linkki siihen.
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Terveys ja turvallisuus

Onko Providence Warwick CVB & RI Convention Center laatinut käytännöt julkisten tai yksityisten organisaatioiden terveyspalveluja koskevien ehdotusten mukaisesti? Jos kyllä, listaa mitä organisaatioita on hyödynnetty näiden käytäntöjen laatimisessa:
Ei vastausta.
Puhdistaako ja desinfioiko Providence Warwick CVB & RI Convention Center yleiset oleskelutilat ja julkisesti käytettävissä olevat tilat (kuten kokoustilat, ravintolat, hissiaulat jne.)? Jos kyllä, kuvaile mahdolliset uudet toimenpiteet?
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Miksi lisätä CVB?

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