Convene 333 North Green

Lue, kuinka Cvent Supplier Network toimii
333 N Green St Chicago, IL 60607





  • Catering-palvelu
  • Esteetön pyörätuolille
  • Tila (yksityinen)


  • Lastauslaituri
  • Odotusalue

Etäisyys lentokentältä

  • 10.5 mi. tapahtumapaikasta


  • Maksullinen pysäköinti
  • Kadunvarsipysäköinti

Tapahtumapaikan Convene 333 North Green kokoustila

Kokoustilojen kokonaismäärä14 200 ft²
Suurin tila4 591 ft²
Toiseksi suurin tila4 233 ft²
Tila (yksityinen)40 000 ft²
Näyttelytila10 000 ft²



In the event that the Client wishes to cancel the Event, Client shall provide written notice to Convene as soon as practicable. In the event of a cancellation, the Client shall be required to pay liquidated damages (“Cancellation Damages”) to Convene, in an amount calculated as a percentage of the Minimum Guaranteed Revenue and Administrative Fees, as indicated on the Event Information Sheet, plus Taxes. The parties intend that the Cancellation Damages constitute compensation, and not a penalty. The parties acknowledge and agree that Convene’s harm caused by a Client cancellation for convenience would be impossible or very difficult to accurately estimate at the time of the cancellation, and that the Cancellation Damages are a reasonable estimate of the anticipated or actual harm that might arise from a Client cancellation for convenience. Provided that Client has not otherwise breached this Agreement, the Client’s payment of the Cancellation Damages (plus Administrative Fees and Taxes) is the Client’s sole liability and entire obligation and Convene’s exclusive remedy for any Client cancellation for convenience. If the Client requests to reschedule the Event after execution of the Agreement, the Event will be treated as a cancellation.

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