Cvent Supplier Network

Shin-Yokohama Fuji View Hotel

2-3-1 Shin-yokohama Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama, Japón, 222-0033
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Imagen de la sede

About us

Shin-Yokohama Fuji View Hotel is a city resort hotel in settled interior where functional equipment is in order. The Kaga tea lunch dish establishes Japanese food 'Musashino' of famous as an annex in B1F. Welcome to the homepage of Shin-Yokohama Fuji View Hotel. 3 minutes on foot and conditions of location from Shin-Yokohama Station can be also good, and Shin-Yokohama Fuji View Hotel ..Shin-Yokohama.. city use it at ease very conveniently. It is a city resort hotel in settled interior where functional equipment is in order. The Kaga tea lunch dish establishes Japanese food 'Musashino' of famous as an annex in B1F. Moreover, it also provides also with a natural hot spring that opened in April, 2007 by the charm about the sauna and bedrock bathroom, etc. The condominium establishes the natural hot spring Shin-Yokohama spa as an annex moreover, and the apartment of the apartment house specification of the function enhancement likes kitchen and the laundry, etc. in the hotel for the stay. The guest room of making known because it is business as the hotel industry of Hotel Business Law, security and service are enhanced. I will be different from other weekly apartment houses and the monthly apartment houses, and promise a safe, comfortable stay. The stay can be used from the 1 person one night stay. As for the access, it is possible also in Yokohama Station and Minatomirai to go to the sightseeing spot like the warehouse of Motomachi, the Chinatown, the Yamashita-cho, and the brick making, Kannai, MINATO MIRAI 21, and the business areas, etc. conveniently within 30 minutes. Outskirts include a Nissan stadium, international Athletic stadium, and Yokohama Arena, etc. that became halls of 2002 World Cup, and it enjoys seeing the game of soccer and baseball at intervals of the business. There are 200 guest rooms due to the opening of New Tower. Please choose the room according to your purpose. We prepare the luxurious capacity filled with peacefulness, and look forward to your visiting.

Detalles de la sede

CadenaIndependent / Other
Construido en-
Renovado en-
Espacio de reunión total-
Habitaciones para huéspedes250
Tipo de sedeHotel


Características de la habitación y servicios para huéspedes
  • Servicio de lavandería
  • Servicio de mucama
  • Restaurante en el sitio
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Habitaciones para huéspedes

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Diversidad e inclusión

En el caso de hoteles de E.E. U.U. únicamente, ¿están el Shin-Yokohama Fuji View Hotel o la empresa matriz certificados como una empresa cuyo 51 % pertenece a propietarios de grupos diversos (51% diverse owned business enterprise, BE)? De ser así, indique como cuál de las siguientes empresas está certificado.
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Salud y seguridad

¿Las prácticas de Shin-Yokohama Fuji View Hotel se formularon de acuerdo con las sugerencias para servicios de salud hechas por organizaciones gubernamentales públicas o entidades privadas? De ser así, escriba una lista de las organizaciones empleadas para desarrollar dichas prácticas.
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¿Shin-Yokohama Fuji View Hotel limpia y desinfecta las áreas públicas y las instalaciones de acceso al público (como las salas de reuniones, los restaurantes, las áreas de ascensor, etc.)? De ser así, describa toda nueva medida implementada.
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