Cvent Supplier Network

Canberra Convention Bureau

Unit 8 3-5 Phipps Close Deakin Act, 2600
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Imagen de la sede

Why Choose Our Destination?

A small city perfectly designed to make meeting easy, Canberra has an exceptional range of nationally significant venues, new and evolving entertainment precincts, and no shortage of accommodation options. New developments continue to enhance venues and accommodation in the city, from the luxurious to more budget friendly options. The refurbished National Convention Centre Canberra provides a premium, comfortable venue in the heart of the city. Enjoy the food and culture scene in Canberra, with some of the best restaurants in the country. Popular precincts like Braddon, NewActon and Kingston host a range of exciting restaurants, cafes and bars. A vibrant calendar of festivals, a thriving music scene and boutiques infuse the city with energy and choice. Canberra is easily accessible with short travel times between venues, making it an ideal place to hold your event.. Major airlines connect direct to Canberra from Australia's main cities. Direct international flights also connect to Wellington, Singapore and Doha. Canberra’s new and award winning airport has one of the country’s smoothest transfers with driving time to the city centre taking just 13 minutes. In 2017, Lonely Planet ranked Canberra number three for top cities to visit in 2018. At number three, Canberra has achieved the highest ever listing of any Australian city on this prestigious list. “Rich with history, culture and entertainment, it offers something for every kind of traveller. Recent revitalisation efforts have given Canberra a new lease of life, establishing a truly contemporary and unique sense of style, with boutique precincts emerging throughout the city, bursting with cool bars, cafes and restaurants. With endless family-friendly and adventurous activities, opportunities to connect with nature or indulge in a range of gastronomic delights, along with a smorgasbord of cultural, artistic and sporting events, Canberra should be on everybody’s 2018 travel wish list.” Chris Zeiher, Lonely Planet’s Director of Sales and Marketing (Asia-Pacific)

Detalles de la sede

Centro de convenciones-
Habitaciones para huéspedes-
Habitaciones de huéspedes en 1 hotel201
Sedes para eventos especiales27
Tarifa promedio de habitación$212
Tarifa de alojamiento-
Costo diario de comidas$149
Tasa impositiva10%
Tipo de sedeCVB
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Cómo llegar

Distance from Canberra International Airport airport 5,592 mi


Centros de convenciones

National Convention Centre CanberraLocated in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), the immediacy of the Centre to the Australian Government, decision makers and other institutions makes it an ideal place to meet, greet and inspire.
Espacio de reunión total89.540 pies cuad.

Información adicional

Additional details

TOP 5 REASONS TO CHOOSE CANBERRA 1.Learn from a world expert Knowledge creates the future. Tap into Canberra’s world-ranking universities and research institutes. With expertise across many fields, the city’s researchers are some of the greatest minds in the country, and the world. Inspire your delegates with a leading expert at your next event. 2.Talk with decision makers Canberra is home to the nation’s decision makers. Communicate directly with Australia’s most influential people. Invite a federal minister or government department head to participate in your event. Connect with the world’s media outlets via the Parliamentary Press Gallery. 3.Experience the nation’s story The Australian story is told by the nation’s leading cultural institutions, our impressive ‘Nationals’. The National Library, Museum, Gallery, Portrait Gallery, and others share the nation’s story through exhibitions and events. 4.Enjoy a connected city Canberra is a connected city with direct flights to domestic and international destinations, with the airport just 10 minutes from the city. Road, bus and rail also connect Canberra. Many venues and attractions are in easy walking distance and the excellent roads make longer distances quick. 5.Discover food and wine Enjoy the flourishing local produce scene, trendsetting chefs and hatted restaurants. Locals and visitors alike love Canberra’s restaurants and internationally recognised wine region. As a culinary and entertainment capital, this is something you’ll want to experience for yourself.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Canberra Convention Bureau

Explore las preguntas hechas con frecuencia sobre Canberra Convention Bureau respecto a la Salud y seguridad, Sostenibilidad, y Diversidad e inclusión

Prácticas sostenibles

Haga sus comentarios o indique un enlace a toda meta o estrategia divulgada al público de Canberra Convention Bureau sobre sostenibilidad o de impacto social.
Sin respuesta.
¿Canberra Convention Bureau cuenta con una estrategia centrada en la eliminación y desvío de basura (como plásticos, papel, cartón, etc.)? De ser así, describa su estrategia para eliminar y desviar la basura.
Sin respuesta.

Diversidad e inclusión

En el caso de hoteles de E.E. U.U. únicamente, ¿están el Canberra Convention Bureau o la empresa matriz certificados como una empresa cuyo 51 % pertenece a propietarios de grupos diversos (51% diverse owned business enterprise, BE)? De ser así, indique como cuál de las siguientes empresas está certificado.
Sin respuesta.
Si corresponde, ¿podría dar un enlace al informe público del Canberra Convention Bureau sobre sus compromisos e iniciativas sobre la diversidad, la igualdad y la inclusividad?
Sin respuesta.

Salud y seguridad

¿Las prácticas de Canberra Convention Bureau se formularon de acuerdo con las sugerencias para servicios de salud hechas por organizaciones gubernamentales públicas o entidades privadas? De ser así, escriba una lista de las organizaciones empleadas para desarrollar dichas prácticas.
Sin respuesta.
¿Canberra Convention Bureau limpia y desinfecta las áreas públicas y las instalaciones de acceso al público (como las salas de reuniones, los restaurantes, las áreas de ascensor, etc.)? De ser así, describa toda nueva medida implementada.
Sin respuesta.
¿De qué sirve agregar una CVB?

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