The Emperor Qianmen

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No. 87, Xianyukou Street Qianmen Commercial Centre Beijing 100051



Distancia del aeropuerto

  • 18.64 millas de la sede


At The Emperor Qianmen discover contemporary interiors, two elegant dining options and a spacious spa with a waterfall. With marvellous city views from the rooftop and a glass-edged, heated pool overlooking the Zhengyang Gate, the hotel is a ten-minute walk from Tiananmen Square. Water is the key concept at this hotel. There is a man-made rain shower at the entrance and a glass-edged, pool on the rooftop. A flow of water runs 15 metres down through the hotel to the underground spa. The rooms include a broad selection of styles from light, airy minimalism to rooms with floating clouds and climbing plants.

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