Red Roof Inn Phoenix - Midtown

Learn how the Cvent Supplier Network works
4130 N Black Canyon Hwy Phoenix, AZ 85017


Room features and guest services

  • Calls (local)
  • Internet access
  • Laundry service
  • Voicemail box


  • Pet friendly
  • Wheelchair accessible

Distance from airport

  • 7.28 mi. from venue


  • Complimentary parking
  • Bus parking

Guest Rooms

Total guest rooms146
Single (1 bed)89
Double (2 beds)57
Tax rate12.57%


Cancellation Policy

Cancellation policies vary by rate plan and date. Always review rate rules for applicable cancellation information. All policies use local check-in time for policy calculation. To ensure accuracy, please cancel using the same method in which you booked.

Additional Information

Check-in Age: 18 years or older Pet Policy: Two family pets are permitted at no additional charge. Pet must be declared during registration and kept on a leash when outside guest room. Pets must never be left unattended in the guest room and when you walk your pet please clean up after your pet. Service and emotional support animals are always welcome. Special Policy: All guests must have a valid ID at check-in and must register with the front desk. Primary guest must accompany any other guest to the front desk to register.

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