Holiday Inn Express Nashville Downtown Broadway
Need dates
- 01/07/2025 – 02/28/2025
- 06/01/2025 – 07/31/2025
Room features and guest services
- Calls (local)
- Calls (toll-free)
- Internet access
- Laundry service
- Luggage storage
- View (urban)
- Extended stay
- Onsite catering
- Onsite gift shop
- Onsite security
- Outside caterers allowed
- Space (outdoor)
- Space (private)
- Space (semi-private)
- Wheelchair accessible
Business services
- AV capabilities
- Business center
- Video conference
- VIP services
AV capabilities
- AV equipment
- High speed internet
- Onsite AV staff
Recreational activities
- Health club
- Outdoor pool
Venue accessibility
- Bus
- Taxi
- Dance floor
- Portable heaters
- Portable walls
- Staging area
Distance from airport
8 mi. from venue
- Complimentary parking
- Valet parking$40.00 / day
- Bus parking
Holiday Inn Express Nashville Downtown Broadway Meeting Space
Floor Plans
Guest Rooms
Local Attractions
Located in the Heart of Downtown Nashville and only a 3 MINUTE WALK to the Music City Center is one of the nation's largest Holiday Inn Express locations called the Holiday Inn Express Nashville Downtown Broadway. With 10,000 square feet of meeting space and impressive full-service capabilities, our dedicated and experienced staff is ready to assist you in every way possible to guarantee the success of your event.
Cancellation Policy
Flexible depending on time of year
Additional Information
We are just steps away from downtown dining and entertainment attractions including the Ryman Auditorium, Country Music Hall of Fame, Wildhorse Saloon, and Bridgestone Arena just to name a few!