Derag Livinghotel Frankfurt Gmbh
Room features and guest services
- Calls (local)
- Concierge services
- Internet access
- Laundry service
- Luggage storage
- Extended stay
- Onsite catering
- Onsite restaurant
- Outside caterers allowed
- Space (private)
- Wheelchair accessible
Recreational activities
- Health club
Venue accessibility
- Bus
- Subway
- Taxi
- Train
Distance from airport
6.9 mi. from venue
- Paid parking€10.00 / day
- Street parking
Derag Livinghotel Frankfurt Gmbh Meeting Space
Guest Rooms
Cancellation Policy
1.1. Up to 72 hours before the beginning of the event and/or the arrivals of guests, the numbers of persons can be reduced down to 10% of the original number of participants, free of charge. After this deadline, the invoice will be made out for the announced number of persons. Further, in such a case the hotel shall be entitled to exchange the agreed meeting rooms for other suitable meeting rooms and to apply an 80% charge for hotel rooms that could not be rented out. If the event facilitator only announces a margin of participants, then we will charge 100% of the catering costs for the minimum number of participants expected, and for the difference up to the upper limit of participants 50% of the costs per person. This corresponds to the cost of sales in the event that the goods are not sold. 1.2. In the event of an increase of the number of participants as compared to the actual booking, the invoice will be based on the actual number of participants. 1.3. If a conference package has been set down, then it shall be understood per event day and per participant, unless otherwise agreed. The conference package is applicable from a minimum number of 10 participants.