The Ivey’s Hotel
Room features and guest services
- Calls (local)
- Concierge services
- Internet access
- Laundry service
- Luggage storage
- Room service
- View (urban)
- Voicemail box
- Onsite catering
- Onsite gift shop
- Onsite restaurant
- Onsite security
- Pet friendly
- Space (private)
- Space (semi-private)
- Wheelchair accessible
Business services
- AV capabilities
- Business center
- VIP services
Recreational activities
- Health club
Venue accessibility
- Airport shuttle
- Bus
- Taxi
- Train
- Loading dock
Distance from airport
8.2 mi. from venue
- Valet parking$38.00 / day
The Ivey’s Hotel Meeting Space
Guest Rooms
Cancellation Policy
Individual Cancellation for Non-Group Reservations: 72 hours prior to arrival. Group Cancellation: Cancellation must be submitted in writing by Group (or Client as the authorized representative for Group) and addressed to the appropriate Hotel Sales Representative. Liquidated damages will be based upon the Anticipated Room Night, Conference Package and Banquet Food and Beverage Revenue Figures. In the event of a Group cancellation occurring 0 to 90 days prior to arrival, liquidated damages in the amount of ninety percent (90%) of the Anticipated Revenue will be due, plus applicable taxes. In the event of a Group cancellation occurring 91 to 180 days prior to arrival, liquidated damages in the amount of eighty percent (80%) of the Anticipated Revenue will be due, plus applicable taxes. In the event of a Group cancellation occurring 181 to 365 days prior to arrival, liquidated damages in the amount of seventy percent (70%) of Anticipated Revenue will be due, plus applicable taxes. In the event of a Group cancellation occurring 365 days or more prior to arrival, liquidated damages in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the Anticipated Revenue will be due, plus applicable taxes. ***Liquidated damages figure subject to change upon the signing of an addendum for additional rooms or food and beverage, if applicable.
Additional Information
We have one dedicated 1,000 Square Foot conference room and one F&B outlets - Sophia's Lounge Sophia's Lounge - located on site for private or semi-private events.