Torre Normanna Hotel & meeting
Room features and guest services
- Concierge services
- Internet access
- Luggage storage
- Room service
- View (garden)
- View (ocean or water)
- Extended stay
- Onsite catering
- Onsite gift shop
- Onsite restaurant
- Pet friendly
- Rental car service
- Space (outdoor)
- Space (private)
- Wheelchair accessible
Business services
- AV capabilities
- Video conference
Recreational activities
- Golf course on grounds
- Outdoor pool
- Tennis courts
- Water sports
Venue accessibility
- Airport shuttle
- Taxi
- Train
- Dance floor
Distance from airport
24.85 mi. from venue
- Complimentary parking
- Street parking
- Bus parking
Torre Normanna Hotel & meeting Meeting Space
Guest Rooms
Breathtaking views, difficult to describe: The coast full of bays, the old Norman Tower overlooks headland, private and exclusive beach, large countryside, seagulls flying over the sea! There are 300 rooms with shower or bath, Tv, Telephone, Internet, Air conditioning, Balcony, Bar fridge in Hotel, Hairdryer, Restaurants, Bars, Pools, Private Beach, Tennis courts, Bowling greens, Five team Soccer, 18 Hole Mini golf, Archery, Windsurf, Canoeing, Volley, Mini club, Disco, Lifts to beach, Garden, Parking, Rent car , Meeting Centre, Banqueting, Excursions, Coiffeur, Bazaar.
Additional Information
meeting rooms fro 10 to 900 persons Restaurant for gala until 700 persons