Kolab Sor Phnom Penh Hotel
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#436, Street 310 Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang III Phnom Penh
Zimmerausstattung und Gästeservice
- Zimmerservice
- Catering vor Ort
- Restaurant vor Ort
Entfernung vom Flughafen
6.65 Meilen vom Veranstaltungsort
Weitere Infos
Kolab Sor Phnom Penh Hotel is the right choice for you if you look for a quality accommodation in the center of the city. Located at the heart of Phnom Penh city, Kolab Sor Phnom Penh hotel is a boutique hotel that provides easy access to the city commercial streets, tourist attractions, and great dinning places in the city.
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