Hotel Beach Resort Clandestino
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5 km al este de la entrada a la playa Parrita 6000
Entfernung vom Flughafen
21.62 Meilen vom Veranstaltungsort
Gesamtzahl an Übernachtungen12
Weitere Infos
The Hotel Beach Resort Clandestino is located on the Central Pacific region of Costa Rica in a large stretch of sand that forms this wonderful continental island virtually unique, beautiful and wild beach decorated with coconut trees along 14 Km. The beach hotel Clandestino Beach Resort has 12 luxurious rooms designed in natural tones and built with local materials like teak wood structures, royal palm leaves braided, green stones for bathrooms, bamboo furniture, ceilings structure and terraced. The beach hotel Clandestino Beach Resort also offers the possibility of special events in their facilities, such as weddings, romantic getaways, honeymoons, anniversaries or corporate retreats.
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