Thon Hotel Cecil
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Stortingsgata 8 Oslo 0161
Zimmerausstattung und Gästeservice
- Internetzugang
- Barrierefrei
Erreichbarkeit des Veranstaltungsortes
- Bus
- Taxi
- U-Bahn
- Zug
Entfernung vom Flughafen
31.07 Meilen vom Veranstaltungsort
- Gebührenpflichtige Parkplätze
Gesamtzahl an Übernachtungen111
Weitere Infos
Thon Hotel Cecil is centrally located, close to the Norwegian parliament, Oslo’s main street, Karl Johans gate, Aker Brygge and Oslo City Hall. The hotel is located right in the heart of Oslo, with restaurants, nightlife, shops and attractions just outside its door. This strategically located hotel offers 111 impeccable and cosy guest rooms with ample and relevant facilities for a memorable and a nice stay.
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