Imperial Palace Hotel

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Rodovia Juazeiro, Barbalha, KM 04 Juazeiro do Norte 63180-000



Entfernung vom Flughafen

  • 7.77 Meilen vom Veranstaltungsort


Gesamtzahl an Übernachtungen25

Weitere Infos

The structure of Imperial Palace Hotel is specially designed to make your stay in quiet moments. In addition to our recreation area, provide tour to the main sights and Juazeiro region. We are among Juazeiro and Barbalha. The structure of Imperial Palace Hotel is specially designed to make your stay in quiet moments. In addition to our recreation area, provide tour to the main sights and Juazeiro region. We are among Juazeiro and Barbalha. Our apartments have been designed in order to ensure your comfort and well being.


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