Hotel Sun City
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Lal Tara Pul, Railway Road Behind Central Bank of India Haridwar 249401
Zimmerausstattung und Gästeservice
- Internetzugang
- Wäschereiservice
- Zimmerservice
Erreichbarkeit des Veranstaltungsortes
- Bus
- Zug
Entfernung vom Flughafen
18.64 Meilen vom Veranstaltungsort
- Gebührenpflichtige Parkplätze
Weitere Infos
It does not take Hotel Sun City too much effort to make guests feel comfortable, it come naturally. At our hotel, you will experience India’s true tradition in its most modern ways. Our hotel offers well appointed and well decorated rooms to the guests. The rooms are provided with the modern amenities required for a comfortable stay. The hotel also features conference rooms suitable for various occasions.
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