Nelson Hotel
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Kellett Street Nelson Goulburn 3292
- Restaurant vor Ort
- Räumlichkeiten (Privat)
Alkohol und Verpflegung
- Catering vor Ort
- Alkohol erlaubt
Größter Raum1 sq ft
Zweitgrößter Raum1 sq ft
Räumlichkeiten (Privat)Verfügbar
Weitere Infos
Nelson Hotel is located in Nelson. St peacefully amidst nature, this is truly a unique venue. It is famous for its ambiance and service offerings. The venue offers superior accommodation and event facilities. It offers 2 event spaces which can accommodate up to 80 guests for various types of functions. It also offers a wide variety of services to support your event. We are sure to make your event a memorable one.
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