Hotel Wien
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Calea Zarandului street, 55 Hunedoara county Deva
Zimmerausstattung und Gästeservice
- Internetzugang
- Catering vor Ort
- Restaurant vor Ort
Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen
- A/V-Möglichkeiten
- Fitnesscenter
- Jacuzzi
Erreichbarkeit des Veranstaltungsortes
- Bus
- Taxi
- Kostenlose Parkplätze
Hotel Wien Meeting Space
Größter Raum1 sq ft
Gesamtzahl an Übernachtungen24
Weitere Infos
Hotel Wien is located in Deva city, a picturesque medieval settlement in Transilvania, guarded by Deva Citadel ( 13th century), full of legends and history, a symbol of the city. Opened no so long time ago (March 2006), the WIEN hotel has all the facillities of a 4 stars hotel, bonding its modern endowments with the charm of the past century. A wiener waltz, coming from the past, a good welcome will lure you to come here and even return some other times.
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