Alexandra Hills Hotel
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CNR McDonald & Finucane Roads Alexandra Hills Brisbane 4161
- A/V-Möglichkeiten (Bevorzugte Anbieter)
- Barrierefrei
- Beleuchtung
- Internetzugang
- Möbel (Bevorzugte Anbieter)
- Other decor
- Restaurant vor Ort
- Räumlichkeiten (Privat)
- Tischdecken (Bevorzugte Anbieter)
- Tanzfläche
Alkohol und Verpflegung
- Catering vor Ort
- Alkohol erlaubt
- Kostenlose Parkplätze
- Gebührenpflichtige Parkplätze
Größter Raum1 sq ft
Zweitgrößter Raum1 sq ft
Räumlichkeiten (Privat)Verfügbar
Gesamtzahl an Übernachtungen12
Weitere Infos
Located in Alexandra Hills you'll find everything your heart desires at this contemporary hotel. Alexandra Hills Hotel has great atmosphere, fantastic food, modern bars, a popular nightclub and relaxing outdoor areas and these are just some of the many benefits this fantastic venue has to offer. We also have 12 rooms for your accommodation. We also have dedicated function rooms, with our award winning function coordinators who cater for everything from weddings to engagements to private parties and corporate events. Whatever your function may be, Alex Hills Hotel provides the convenience, quality and style of venue that makes it memorable.
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