El Avenida Palace Hotel
free WIFI
Need dates
- 01/04/2025 – 02/29/2028
Room features and guest services
- Concierge services
- Internet access
- Laundry service
- Luggage storage
- Room service
- View (urban)
- Onsite catering
- Onsite restaurant
- Outside caterers allowed
- Rental car service
- Space (outdoor)
- Space (private)
- Wheelchair accessible
Business services
- AV capabilities
- Business center
- Video conference
- VIP services
AV capabilities
- AV equipment
- High speed internet
- Onsite AV staff
Recreational activities
- Outdoor pool
Venue accessibility
- Bus
- Subway
- Taxi
- Train
- Dance floor
- Staging area
Distance from airport
8.26 mi. from venue
- Paid parking€23.00 / day
El Avenida Palace Hotel Meeting Space
Guest Rooms
Local Attractions
La Pedrera
La Barceloneta
Basílicia de Santa Maria del Mar
El Born
Las Ramblas
Sagrada Familia
The Cathedral
Situated in the centre of Barcelona and with more than 70 years’ experience, El Avenida Palace Hotel 4*S is an icon of this Catalan city. A warm and friendly service are the main hallmarks of this hotel and one of the main reasons our guests always have fond memories of the times they spend with us. The emblematic hotel, characteristic for an impressive central staircase, offers 151 rooms, 2 luxurious suites and a spectacular terrace with views over the city. A commitment on evolution and elegance in tune with our origins and tradition.
Additional Information
9 unique meeting rooms in the centre of Barcelona ideal for conventions, congresses and meetings. Capacity up to 250 pax