
The Ultimate Guide to Advertising Your Hotel Renovations for Maximum ROI

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Attention sales and marketing professionals! Did you know you can transform your newly renovated meeting space into a cash-generating powerhouse? We know it can be challenging to recover renovation costs while managing RevPAR, supporting your team, and keeping up with market trends. That's why we're here to make your life easier.

With the demand for in-person event venues skyrocketing by 25%, there has never been a better time for your renovated hotel to capture more event-based revenue and expand your sales pipeline. But how do you ensure your renovation advertising reaches the right event planners at the right time?

In this guide, we will provide you with expert insights and strategies to navigate the process of advertising your renovations for maximum ROI. Our eBook will cover everything you need to know, including:

  • How to capitalise on renovations and draw more event planners
  • Mapping your new renovation promotions
  • Defining the timeline for advertising your renovation
  • Incorporating renovations into your re-branding strategy
  • Budgeting for renovation advertising and awareness
  • Positioning value amidst increased rates
  • Tracking and securing your renovations ROI

Take advantage of the opportunity to transform your hotel's renovations into a revenue-generating success story. Get your hands on our ultimate guide and start advertising your renovations for maximum ROI today!
