Newsletter: February – June 2022
AFRITAC WEST 2 (AFW2) 9th Steering Committee Meeting
The 9th AFRITAC West 2 Steering Committee Meeting was held in Accra, Ghana on June 7, 2022, chaired by Mr. Sheku A. F. Bangura, Deputy Minister of Finance for the Republic of Sierra Leone. The meeting featured a series of presentations and panel discussion on regional outlook and CD strategy for the medium term. Read more
AFRITAC West 2 and Bank of Ghana Support Modernization of the Currency Management System of Central Banks in the Region
Staff of the central banks of Liberia and Sierra Leone benefited from a professional attachment hosted by the Bank of Ghana on the implementation of the Currency Management System in May 2022. Read more
AFW2 Returns to In-Person Missions
With the reinstatement of travel in March 2022, AFW2 regional advisors share their experience returning to in-person activities and the reception from beneficiary country authorities. Read more
AFW2 Activities and Achievements
AFRITAC WEST 2 (AFW2) 9th Steering Committee Meeting
The second African Regional Technical Assistance Centre in West Africa (AFRITAC West 2), is a collaborative effort between the International Monetary Fund (IMF), recipient countries and several bilateral and multilateral partners. It originated from the IMF’s response to African leaders’ call on the international community to increase technical assistance (TA) to Africa and focus it more sharply on capacity building in core macroeconomic and financial management areas. AFRITAC West 2 provides TA and training to Cabo Verde, The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.