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June 2020 WMCA E-Newsletter

Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association Monthly Newsletter


Diane Coenen Headshot   

NOW IS THE TIME - WMCA Needs You …… Each year the WMCA Board of Directors has positions that need to be filled by WMCA members who are willing to take on a leadership role.  WMCA has received no applications for 2nd Vice President.  The following are the qualifications to run for 2nd Vice President as stated in our WMCA Constitution:

§ 4.4.  Second Vice President.  Candidates for the office of Second Vice President must have served a minimum of a one-year term as an officer of the Board of Directors, District Director or Committee Chairperson of the WMCA. The Second Vice President shall be elected by the membership and serve a one-year term upon taking the oath of office. The Second Vice President shall ascend to the office of First Vice President and then President.

Please consider applying for this rewarding opportunity to serve your fellow Professionals.  WMCA has extended the application deadline until 4:00 PM on July 1, 2020 and you can click here to go to the application packet on the WMCA website. 

It’s always exciting for past Presidents and Board Members to see the next generation of leaders willing to serve the membership and work to provide education, mentorship and fellowship.  Not sure this is something you want to pursue ….. maybe we can help.  Please reach out to current or past Board members to get your questions/concerns answered.  We welcome the opportunity to inform and support you.

District Directors are still needed for Districts 1, 2 & 8.  If you are interested in becoming a District Co-Director or wish to nominate someone, please contact Faith Elford at

I would like to thank and hope you will join me in thanking your fellow Professionals; District 3 – Michelle Loken; District 4 - Julie Strutz; District 5 - Deanna Braunschweig and District 7 - Melissa Hongisto for continuing their service as a Co-Director.  I also thank Barb Van Clake for stepping back up as District 6 Co-Director.

Awards through IIMC  IIMC Logo
Institute Director of the Year!

Our very own Kassie Van Remortel, Director of the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay Government Affairs & Economic Development and the Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Institute was recently honored and recognized by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) with the prestigious 2020 Institute Director Award of Excellence!  This Award acknowledges unique and exceptional contributions of current or retired Institute Directors who over time have provided and promoted quality education opportunities for Municipal Clerks.  Kassie was awarded this honor in 2008 and nominated again in 2020 because she is so darn awesome and so deserving of this award and recognition for all she has done and continues to do for the Professional Clerk.  Her passion is evident in how hard she works, her visions and the exceptional training opportunities she provides right down to every last detail.  Congratulations Kassie – you are a “Rock Star” and we are so fortunate to have you!

2020 Association Donor Award!

The Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association was selected to receive the 2020 Association Donor Award from the IIMC Foundation who uses its resources to aid
in promoting the education and training of Municipal Clerks.  This award recognizes a state/provincial/national association whose support of the Foundation serves as an example of an association whose willingness to invest in professional clerk education is worthy of special recognition.  Typically, this award is presented at the Annual IIMC Conference, which WMCA was to receive in St. Louis this past May.  Due to the conference cancellation, the IIMC Foundation notified me that WMCA will be presented this award at the 2021 IIMC Conference in Grand Rapids, MI.  The IIMC Foundation extends their appreciation for all the support WMCA has given to it and Congratulates WMCA!

Our Latest IIMC Certified Municipal Clerk!

Shelia Bowers, CMC - Deputy Clerk/Treasurer - Village of Wrightstown, WI has earned the prestigious Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC):

The Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) is one of the two professional designations granted by IIMC and is designed to enhance the job performance of the Clerk in small and large municipalities. To earn the CMC designation, a Municipal Clerk must attend extensive education programs often totaling more than 120 educational hours. The CMC designation also requires pertinent experience in a municipality.

Congratulations Shelia!

Glasses with words

VISION:  With the cancellation of the 2020 Annual WMCA Conference, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the 2020 Conference Committee for their enthusiasm and resolve to make the 40th Anniversary Conference a truly wonderful celebration.  I want to recognize these professionals for their willingness to do all they could to make my visions happen and for their excitement to celebrate the past, present and future of WMCA.  Please join me in thanking the Committee Chairs; Jilline Dobratz and Jacob Crosetto, and the Members; Becky Eggen, Nancy Holzem, Heidi Koch, Randi Mielke, Kaitlin Nye, Holly Priske, Becky Tellier, Anita Young and Brenda Zeman for their vision of how we planned to celebrate 40 years of WMCA.  THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

VICTORY:  CARES Act – If you were not able to participate in the recent webinar given by WEC, they have been working on impactful ways to spend the federal CARES Act grant in the amount of $7.3M that Wisconsin received.  The Elections Commission approved a $4.1 million sub-grant for municipalities to cover COVID-19 related expenses.  The focus of the program is to provide resources for the August and November 2020 elections, not to reimburse for expenditures related to the April 7th election.  The grant is available to all municipalities that request it.  Each municipality is eligible for a base grant of $200 plus $1.10 per registered voter in the municipality.  There will be reporting requirements and certifications that the municipality will have to review and sign in order to receive the grant.  Financially, the April 7th election was a burden for all municipalities so to receive a grant to help us financially is a Victory.  For more information please visit the WEC website.

WEC Staff Departure:  Mike Haas, WEC Staff Counsel has accepted the position of City Attorney for the City of Madison.  Mike’s last day at WEC was May 15th.  Mike has served the GAB & WEC since 2008 and played a key role in the oversight and direction of elections in Wisconsin.  Many of you have worked with Mike and know first-hand of his commitment to elections, ethics, open government and the WMCA Membership.  Please join me in Thanking Mike for his service to WMCA and wishing him all the best in his new position.

Time of Turmoil:  If I had a crystal ball, I would tell you everything in the world is going to be rosy when you wake up tomorrow, but the reality is that all I can tell you is that when you wake up tomorrow it will be a new day and another opportunity to be the best you can be in your profession and person.  We are in a time of unprecedented and overwhelming circumstances; COVID-19 pandemic, protests, emotional turmoil, riot damage, heightened mental health issues, uncertainty, work overload and so much more.  I urge you to remain positive, stay focused on priorities, take care of yourself to remain healthy, appreciate yourself for everything you do, keep a vigilant eye and be kind to everyone you greet each day.  Change is happening all around us.  Let’s continue to be part of positive change, support one another and pay our blessings forward.

All my Best, Diane
Diane Coenen WCMC/CMC
2019-2020 WMCA President

 It's Time to Think About the 2020-2021 WMCA Year
First Vice President Wendy Helgeson is starting to prepare for her year as President that will begin in August.  An email was sent out to all current committee members stating that you needed to let Wendy know if you wished to remain on your committee.  Have you emailed Wendy?  If you haven't, please let her know right away at

For anyone that might be thinking about becoming a committee member, watch for an email next week inviting you to join and the committees that are available.

WMCA Associate Members are great partners with the WMCA.  The next time you need to purchase a service or software, or other items, check out the vendors ads on the WMCA website on the Municipal Vendor page.

 Issue #7  
 June 2020

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In This Issue

​         Look What's Coming           
Vendor Demos

The 2020 WMCA 40th Annual Conference cancellation due to coronavirus not only denied our clerk members great educational opportunities, it also prevented our loyal WMCA Associate members the chance to show you the products and services they have to make your work life easier.

Since you cannot attend the vendor demonstrations at the conference this year, the Associates are bringing their demonstrations to you.  Go to the WMCA website and run your mouse over Municipal Vendors in the dropdown menu and you will see 2020 Virtual Vendor Demonstrations.   Click on a vendor name to bring up a recorded demo at your convenience.  The demonstrations will be available through August.

Click here to see the virtual vendor demos now.

Local Redistricting Webinars

The Legislative Technology Services Bureau wanted to reach out to let you know that all of their virtual training webinars have been posted to their local redistricting page.  Click here to go to the webinars.

These recorded presentations and workshops provide information about the US Census and the relevant laws, processes, and principles of local redistricting in Wisconsin. You will also find training materials on the use of the local redistricting software that will be used in Wisconsin in 2021 called: “WISE-LR”.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Zachary A. Robinson
Legislative Technology Services Bureau
GIS Analyst & Outreach Coordinator
Phone: 608-283-1847


CareerAds Button
Have You Checked Out the Career Ads Lately?  Have you been thinking of making a change or possibly moving up to a bigger position?  Don’t forget to check out the “Career Ads” section of the WMCA website.  Go to: and click on the blue button on the right side of the website to check out all of the openings around the state.


About Us

To be the premier source for the personal empowerment of municipal clerks in Wisconsin through education, professional development, and the promotion of excellence.

Check Out Our Website at:


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