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NYSDEC – Division of Water has not provided any general relief from SPDES permit and regulatory requirements

Permittees need to continue to strive for permit and regulatory compliance.

When issues with COVID-19 pandemic or compliance are identified, facilities should:

  1. Document problems
  2. Document efforts to address the problems and/or non-compliance
  3. Document any additional actions undertaken to maintain facility treatment and achieve compliance

As required under standard protocols, operators should report non-compliance, the associated circumstances related to non-compliance, and actions to address non-compliance to DEC.

If circumstances prevent the timely submission of a routine report requirements, permittees should submit the completed report as soon as reasonably possible and provide the reasons for delay with the submission.

DEC will consider the overall circumstances and extent of non-compliance, and actions by the facility to resolve issues.

If a facility/permittee has details about specific facility issues or specific compliance situation, DOW recommends you follow the above guidance. You may also contact the DOW Regional Office and/or facility inspector with a copy to Edward Hampston ( in Central Office, Bureau of Water Compliance, including specific details.

MARCH 26, 2020

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