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 PD-Arrow-Small e-Leader 
 April 2017
 In this issue:
  • The Manager April 2017
  • April Dairy Webinar in Spanish
  • Dairy Profit Monitor Trends
  • DFBS Preliminary Progress Report #3
  • Forage Management Resources Available Online
  • Cornell Dairy Center of Excellence: Dairy Nutrition for Every Age and Stage

The Manager April 2017

PRO-DAIRY's The Manager April 2017 issue  in DAIRYBUSINESS & HOLSTEINWORLD magazine features "Enhanced Management" and highlights speakers and topics from the statewide 2017 Winter Dairy Management meetings, with a focus on lameness, and the March 2017 Cow Comfort Conference held in Syracuse, NY. Articles include:

PRO-DAIRY shares research through education to enhance management
This Manager issue from PRO-DAIRY focused on management.
By Julie Berry

Managing the environment to maximize cow comfort
Environmental enrichment… Not just for zoos.
By Heather Dann

Lameness recording for enhanced management
Routine locomotion scoring, and meaningful hoof lesion findings, allow managers to monitor lameness issues.
By Rob Lynch

The impact of bedding on cow comfort and lameness
Deep-beds improve comfort and reduce lameness, but all stalls must have clean, dry and ample bedding.
By Lindsay Ferlito

Nutrition management and lameness in dairy cattle – Many pieces to the puzzle
The relationship between nutrition and lameness is related to the type and consistency of rumen fermentation.
By Larry Chase

Key considerations in fan cooling

Effective natural or mechanical ventilation systems are also needed to provide suitable air quality for cows. 
By Curt Gooch and Dan McFarland

National FARM Program and Version 3.0 changes
The National Dairy FARM Version 3.0 changes went into effect on January 1, 2017 and includes two phases. 
By Kimberley Morrill

Farm uses grants to construct manure storage
Careful planning and implementation of conservation practices positions farm for the future.
By Julie Berry

NYS issues 4th generation CAFO permit

Managers should evaluate how to be best positioned to meet the possibility of a faster rate of change ahead. 
By Karl Czymmek

How to use corn silage hybrid trial results
Just looking at the top performing hybrids from a single year, while interesting, has limited value.
By Joe Lawrence, Tom Overton, Allison Lawton, and Margaret Smith

How does managing phosphorus with reduced manure rates affect soil nitrate and organic matter?
Soil Organic Matter only increased in the trial plots with high rates of composted manure.
By Amir Sadeghpour, Sarah Hetrick, Karl Czymmek, Gregory Godwin, and Quirine Ketterings

April Dairy Webinar in Spanish

PRO-DAIRY now offers dairy management webinars in Spanish from 12:30 to 1:00 pm the last Wednesday of each month through April. Registration is not required. Access the Spanish Webinars link on PRO-DAIRY's website to join.

April 26, 2017| 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Second and subsequent AI service management: effective programs combining pregnancy diagnosis and resynchronization of estrus and ovulation

Estrategias de manejo para segundo y subsiguiente servicio: programas efectivos combinando diagnóstico de preñez y resincronización del estro y la ovulación

Presenter: Robert Wijma, DVM, PhD Student

Contact Us:

For more information about PRO-DAIRY, visit

Julie Berry, Editor  |  Tom Overton, Director  |  Facebook

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2016 Dairy Profit Monitor Trends

2016 Dairy Profit Monitor report has been released. Included are 120 farms that used the Dairy Profit Monitor, with 76 farms that entered at least eight months of data. Trend graphs were prepared for 12 months of primary measures.

ighlights include:

  • Pounds of components per cow per day averaged 5.75 lbs per cow per day, with the low point in late summer, due to heat stress.
  • The highest farms are close to, and are hitting, the 7 lbs per cow per day mark.
  • Milk price took a positive swing towards the end of the year, creating a jump in Net Milk Income over Feed Cost numbers (actual milk price).
  • Net Milk Income over Total Lactating Feed Costs jumped $1.50 from beginning to year-end.
  • Net Milk Income over Total Feed Costs on a fixed price basis jumped $0.25.
  • Over the 12 month period, positive changes in feeding management programs on farms resulted from high quality corn silage harvested in 2015 and close attention to income over feed costs.  
Preliminary Progress Report #3
Dairy Farm Business Summary and Analysis Program

The third preliminary Progress of the Farm DFBS report has been released. As dairy businesses across the state continue to analyze their financial and business performance using the Dairy Farm Business Summary and Analysis Program, updated progress of the farm reports are provided to review the changes that occurred from 2015 to 2016.

With more data in the system, the progress reports are separated into three herd size groups. For each herd size group key information is summarized for comparison, including Progress of Farm, Per Cow & Per Cwt, and Business Chart.

The herd-size-based reports include:

Highlighted factors for herd size ranges:

  Less than 585 Cows 585 to 1,065 Cows Greater than 1,065 Cows
Average Herd Size 314  820   1,578
Milk per Cow  24,939   26,244  26,927
Milk Sold per Worker Equivalent  1,047,174  1,165,034  1,315,745
Cost per Worker Equivalent  $39,293 $39,289   $40,358
Feed & Crop Input Expenses per Cwt  $7.00    $7.40   $7.23 
Operating Costs to Produce Milk  $14.41  $15.12   $14.15
Total Costs to Produce Milk  $19.68  $18.99  $17.88
% Return on All Capital, w/o Appreciation    -0.1%  0.4%   2.3%

Contact your local Cornell Cooperative Extension office to inquire about resources available to analyze your business performance.

Forage Management Resources Available Online

With spring upon us, a number of forage management resource articles on the PRO-DAIRY website provide helpful information for the cropping season.

Also recently released by Joe Lawrence, PRO-DAIRY Forage Systems Specialist, is an article on What Crop Traits are Genetically Engineered (or GMO)?

As producers are asked to consider shifting production to “GMO Free,” and the potential price incentives attached to that shift, Lawrence addresses common questions about what it means to be “GMO Free.”

Cornell Dairy Center of Excellence Annual Symposium: Dairy Nutrition for Every Age and Stage

May 16, 2017 | Stocking Hall, Cornell University

Join the Cornell Dairy Center of Excellence for a conversation with researchers, practitioners, farmers and athletes as milk production, products and dairy nutrition are explored for all ages.

The s
ymposium will include special guest Miranda Carfrae, Ironman Triathlon World Champion & Built with Chocolate Milk Athlete.

Visit the Dairy Nutrition event website for more information.

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