Newsletter: January 2023
Feature: Climate Change in the AFW2 Region: Developments and Progress
Western African countries are some of the most vulnerable to climate-related shocks and all six AFW2 countries are heavily exposed to their impact. Read more on climate objectives in the region, challenges and AFW2 CD support here.
Experts are making progress on workplan implementation in the third quarter of FY 2023. During November through January, AFRITAC West 2 delivered a total of 25 technical assistance activities (17 TA missions, 7 regional workshops and trainings, and 1 peer attachment) at both the country and regional level. Read more
AFW2 bid farewell to regional advisor for public financial management, Naresh Jha, in December 2022. After 5 years of service to the center and the region, the team is sad to see one of our cherished colleagues go. We are grateful for his time with us and wish him immense success in all future endeavors.
AFW2 Director conducts outreach visits to Cabo Verde and the Gambia. Discussions with authorities in Cabo Verde and the Gambia helped shed light on country developments and CD priorities ahead of work program design for the medium term. Read more
AFW2 mid-year report for FY 2023 published in December 2022. For more details on capacity development (CD) activities, key achievements by member countries, center outreach efforts and planned assistance, read the full report here.
AFW2 Activities and Achievements
The second African Regional Technical Assistance Centre in West Africa (AFRITAC West 2), is a collaborative effort between the International Monetary Fund (IMF), recipient countries and several bilateral and multilateral partners. It originated from the IMF’s response to African leaders’ call on the international community to increase technical assistance (TA) to Africa and focus it more sharply on capacity building in core macroeconomic and financial management areas. AFRITAC West 2 provides TA and training to Cabo Verde, The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.